/ / How to clean a fur collar at home most effectively

How to clean a fur collar at home most effectively

Natural furs that are so beautiful and lovedwe need very careful care. They should be cleaned regularly. It is necessary to do this also in the event that the pollution on the nap is not visually visible.

How to clean a fur collar at home

When care of the fur is made at the proper level, the product will serve its owner for many years. And at the same time will justify its considerable value.

How to clean a fur collar?

At home, it will not be difficult to return the pile to its original appearance. As a result, your favorite collar will look the same as before.

Luxuriously and elegantly looks like an arctic fox.This detail gives the outer clothing a special charm. However, such a fur can eventually lose its whiteness. How do I clean a fox collar? There are many ways. During cleaning, the collar should be sprinkled with potato starch or croup of mango. These natural absorbents will lighten the fur. They should be used regularly.

Before cleaning the fur collar inat home, you should buy a special brush. Buy it can be either in large supermarkets, or in a store that sells products for animals. Collars of pelts of fox are cleaned of dirt with a usual soap solution. In order to prepare it, in warm water it is necessary to dilute the detergent. In doing so, it must be neutral. In the composition of such a means there should be no bleaching or coloring substances. The fur is cleaned with neat movements using a soft sponge. At the end of the procedure, the collar must be dried naturally. Only after this, it should be cleaned with a brush designed for fur. For these purposes, you can apply a rare comb.

how to clean a fur collar
To remove dirt from the pile, a specialsolution. In the water add a few drops of alcohol (ammonia) and a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. The solution is placed in an atomizer and with its help a collar is sprayed. The fur is dried in the bright sun. After that, it is cleaned with a sponge soaked in a "Belize". Wipe the long-haired fur collar with a clean napkin in the direction of the nap, and the short-haired - against.

how to clean a fox collar
How to clean a fur collar made from skinsrabbit or scribble? To do this, use rye and wheat bran. A mixture of these products is slightly warmed up by fire. After that, it should be spread evenly over the fur. Sorbent is collected in a couple of minutes with a brush. After that, the fur collar is shaken. If necessary, you can comb it with a comb.

Removing dirt stains

There is a simple method that allowsgive an answer to the question of how to clean the fur collar. At home, this can be done with clean, hot sand. This method is especially effective for fur and otter fur. Heated sand should be poured a thin layer on the collar. After this, the product must be easily crumpled and shaken. Cleaning should be repeated several times.

To effectively remove stains, you need to preparespecial solution. To get it in a hundred grams of water should dissolve three tablespoons of table salt and a teaspoon of ammonia. Dipped in this solution sponge spend several times on the nap. After cleaning, the fur is wiped with a damp cloth. This will remove the parts of the funds that were used earlier.

Removing grease spots

Preparation of a special solution will helpeffectively solve the problem with how to clean the fur collar at home. From fatty spots it is easy to get rid of by using a special remedy. For its preparation in water, denatured alcohol and ammonia are dissolved. Take them in equal proportions. Three parts of the salt are added to the solution. The pile, on which stains of fat are present, is wiped off with this remedy. Then, the collar should be damped with a cotton cloth and shaken.

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