/ / Prefabricated swimming pool Intex. Customer Reviews.

The Intex frame pool. Customer Reviews.

Summer hot day and pulls to the river or lake,to refresh themselves in their cool waters. Well, when the reservoir is nearby, and if it is far away, and there is no way to make outings to nature every time? If you have a summer house, a country house or you live in your own home, an excellent alternative replacement is the swimming pool. Their sizes, shapes and designs are so diverse that anyone can pick up the pool at will.

Intex. Metal Frame Frame Frame

ntex pool frame metal frame

If you have a large plot of land, a large family anda lot of friends who like to spend time near the water, and the water is far away, in this case, it's a great idea to buy an intex frame pool. Reviews about this company's products are positive. Buyers say that the product, which Pool Intex provides, is well-equipped, complete in performance, reliable in use.

An Intex frame pool can be installed andfill with water pretty quickly. This process will take 30-60 minutes (depending on the size). Efforts to install a lot is not required. Due to the strong frame, metal or plastic, a high

pool intex framed pool intex
strength and stability.The pool is so stable that several people can be in it without problems at the same time. The walls are made with a special technology, which gives them a triple strength. What is this technology? The walls are made of three layers separate from each other: two dense vinyl layers and one, especially durable, made of polyester.

There is no need to specially prepare a place,clear, pour the soil, sand, to install a frame pool intex. Buyers' comments say that it's enough to pick up a smoother place, lay the litter that is included in the kit, and the preparation for the installation site is finished. The filter pump will circulate and clean the water. A convenient compact staircase will enable children and adults to get into the water without problems. Not only the simplicity of assembly, the convenience of bathing, but also the convenience of keeping the cleanliness and order of the pool and water in it, the manufacturer took care of. The kit includes a skimmer (cleaning kit) and an awning. Due to the strong attachment to the frame, the tent is well stretched, reliably protecting water from falling leaves, debris, rainwater does not accumulate on it. A convenient drain valve is equipped with an Intex frame pool. The owners' comments mark not only the convenience, but also the practicality of the plums. Such a frame pool is a large water tank. At any time

skeleton pool intex reviews
The day, by attaching the hose to the valve, you can pouryour favorite garden (garden, flower garden). Thus, you can immediately "kill two birds with one stone" - and water the garden, and drain the water. The complete set may also include a repair kit.

Swimming pool installation

How to install correctly the Intex frame pool?Comments of people who purchased this product, note that the instruction in detail and gradually answers the question asked. In addition, there is a video disc in the package, when viewing it each pool owner will visualize how and how quickly, qualitatively and without any difficulties to assemble the pool.

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