/ / What is the trace of the dolls "Bon Bon" in the life of the girl?

What is the trace of the dolls "Bon Bon" in the life of the girl?

Development of children is inconceivable without toys, but noteach doll or machine has a positive effect on the child. How many cases were, when due to missing the feeding of "Tamagotchi" children became aggressive and cruel. Consider in the article the advantages and disadvantages of such popular toys as "Bon Bon" dolls.

Advantages of dolls "Baby Bon"

A doll the size of a real baby caneat, write, cry, cackle, laugh (each model has its own functions). Due to the fact that the doll in appearance and functional capabilities is similar to the newborn, girls are more careful about such toys.

Children develop moral qualities:caring, attentiveness, kindness, patience, empathy, empathy, love. The girl clearly understands that the "Bon Bon" dolls can break if drunk with juice or lemonade, feed the wrong porridge, leave in water or in the sun, do not follow the instructions. Therefore, children learn to be responsible, disciplined and independent.

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Games with these dolls expand the emotionalsphere, imagination, imagination. Girls start playing independently without the participation of mothers and master role-playing games. With the participation of an adult, vocabulary and horizons develop.

What are the drawbacks of the baby boom doll?

The girl is attached to the doll as to her sisteror your child, then in case of a breakdown in children, a great deal of stress begins. Sensitive natures can refuse to eat or be capricious about the fact that their doll does not eat, drink, or sleep.

Children can develop bad moralquality (greed, jealousy, aggression), if one of the friends casually takes this toy. But here it is important to teach the child to express their feelings and explain in words why interactive toys should be treated with care.

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Another unpleasant moment for parents isconstant expenses for the needs of dolls. Namely, the purchase of various accessories (baby carriages for Baby Bean dolls, clothes, handbags, vehicles, cabins, rocking chairs, friends), a special pot, mixes. With illiterate use, dolls can outwardly deteriorate, which is associated with their complex design. Therefore, read the instruction, where each step and possible problem situations with their solution are prescribed.

What dolls are "Bon Bon", and how to handle them?

Every year the manufacturer produces newinteractive dolls, which are designed for certain actions with them. For example, toys from the series "Feed me" can eat, drink and croak, and the version "I can swim" allows you to bathe a doll. Toys can be bought separately, then buying additional accessories, or buy in sets.

For each doll has its own instructions, consider the rules for dealing with "Baby Bon" from the series "Feed me."

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  1. The doll is allowed to drink from the bottle in an upright position, and it is necessary to give food in the prone position.
  2. You can drink only with clean water, otherwise the mechanism will fail.
  3. Porridge to cook from special powders.
  4. After feeding, be sure to plant on the pot with a small dent in the doll.
  5. For the appearance of tears, you need to give the doll a bottle of 1.5 bottles.
  6. After bathing, the doll needs to be dried.
  7. After feeding, the toy is washed from the inside.

Interactive dolls "Bon Bon" - these are expensive and unusual toys. It is better to make such gifts to schoolgirls, who will take care of fragile dolls.

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