A hamster is a mammal belonging to a detachmentrodents, the family - hamsters. There are more than 240 species of representatives. Describe each species is impossible because of the lack of information about them. However, it is worthwhile to consider in more detail the most popular breeds of hamsters, both wild and domestic.
What unites all representatives of that ora different subspecies of hamsters, living "in the bosom" of nature? This is a nocturnal lifestyle, a rare fecundity and extraordinary reserves. On average, one hamster is able to arrange a "warehouse" of stocks in 15 - 20 kg. There are cases when they found storerooms, and in them 70 - 90 kg of various supplies.
Below, the names of the breeds of hamsters will be given and descriptions will be given.
The name of the rodent was due to the placea habitat. These wild hamsters live mainly in the mountains of the Andes. More precisely, in the highland plains of the Andes. Appearance in hamsters is very cute: they are not large - body length barely reaches 15-17 cm, and approximately the same length as the rodent's tail. It is covered with thick, beautiful fur, and outwardly hamsters are similar to all known mice-voles. In this case, altiplano differ in their unique color. Back, head, muzzle and paws in them are brown, and the chest and stomach are white or milky-beige. There are no smooth transitions in color, so the feeling is created that the animal was painted with two kinds of paints, forgetting to make a neat color transition.
These breeds of hamsters are strictly nocturnal inhabitants.In the afternoon the animals sleep in the burrows, at night they go out for food. They feed, oddly enough, food of animal origin - insects. However, their reserves are made not only from caterpillars and butterflies. Roots, grass and root crops go to cheek pouches to household rodents.
For the winter animals fall into a hibernation, so all their supplies are harvested in the warm season. Altiplano - workers, and despite their small size, are able to cook up to 5 kg of "goodies".
These animals live in burrows, which they dig themselves.Hamsters almost never occupy other people's burrows, and their own consists of a small "storehouse" with supplies, and a "room" where the rodent sleeps during the day and spends the winter's hibernation. Usually, a hamster can get into the hole thanks to two or three convenient moves.
As for the "personal" life, this breedcreates a couple for the rest of his life. The female is capable to bring offspring all the year round, in the litter usually 5-7 cubs. Hamsters grow up quite early: at 14 days of age they already leave their own burrow, and in the three months they are ready to create their own family.
The life of these unusual rodents is very short, only 1 - 1.5 years. And despite good fertility, rodents are related to endangered species of animals.
What are hamsters and breeds yet?Deer, or white-legged hamster. It takes root in almost any climate. Their habitat is wide enough: from Mexico to South Alaska. They prefer as a place of residence forest tracts, where you can safely hide from enemies, and also feed. The length of the body varies from 10 to 20 cm, and the size of the tail is quite different. Some individuals are 4-6 cm and can hardly be seen. Others are owners of a thin tail of 20 cm in length. The tail is covered with hairs to match the color, and has a fluffy "brush" on the end.
These breeds of hamsters have a uniquethe ability to "change" the color of the coat. In total, white-legged hamsters distinguish three colors - golden, brown or gray. When a small animal is frightened and threatened with danger, its color can be adjusted to the environment, with the aim of camouflaging. This is a rare phenomenon among mammals, a sort of hamster - "chameleon".
As for the standard of living, the white-legged hamstersdiffer in their sociality. They are able to live in large "flocks" in a common hole, and create strategic stocks of feed together. They feed on herbs, seeds, available nuts. But they also do not disdain to eat beetles.
They reproduce in a "geometric progression."Pregnancy of the female lasts about 28 days, and it is capable of fertilization 24 hours after childbirth. The cubs are near the mother for a month, and then begin an independent life and are ready to reproduce themselves. For a year, one female is capable of giving up to 12 litters, an average of 5-7 newborns in each. The life expectancy of this breed of hamsters is from 3 to 8 years.
Этот зверек обитает непосредственно в северной part of China. As a habitat, he chose arid Chinese plains, because there it is easiest for him to hide from the main enemies - people. The Chinese do not like these rodents, considering them pests. In part, so it is. The rat-like hamster is a very voracious breed of hamsters. Therefore, it makes its reserves out of everything it can reach. And the rodent gets to the main, up to rice, which is grown by peasants. That's the last time to deal with the hamster, and that - carefully hide from the people's eyes.
What does this breed look like?The name suggests that the rodent is very similar to a rat. Similar, but not its representative. The animal's body length is 25 cm, and the tail is about 10 cm. The color of the fur is brown-brown on the back, and the light color is on the stomach. In contrast to rat wool, protruding in different directions, the hair covering of the rat-like hamster has a soft structure, the hairs adjoin "one to one". The tail is also covered with soft hair, but these hairs are very thin. It gives the impression that the tail of a rodent is "bald."
The rodent feeds on grains, mostly rice.However, the hamster's favorite food is not cereals, but acorns and legumes. He leads a nocturnal life, and carefully stores his supplies in a hole. The burrows of the rat-like breed of hamsters deserve special attention. These are real strategic labyrinths. Numerous horizontal and vertical passages, a lot of moves and a big "room" for stocks. To replenish these stocks, animals periodically, mainly in the autumn and spring periods, leave their holes on the surface in the daytime. In winter, hamsters do not fall into hibernation, but they also do not go out into the air, spending the winter period in their own burrows. Eat at this time with their supplies.
Are not social animals, in addition,unintentionally meeting with a representative of his breed, hamsters are able to arrange a fight. And while one of the rodents will not be killed, this slaughter will not stop. And it does not matter who met: two females, two males or a male and female. They compromise only during the mating season. They reproduce in the summer. The female can produce up to 3 litters, 7-10 young in each. The life span of this fighting rodent is very small - about a year.
Representatives of this breed of hamsters are commoneverywhere. They can be found both in Europe, and in America and Russia. They live primarily in meadows and in fields. Sometimes they can settle in urban-type settlements, closer to human habitation. But in large cities of ordinary hamsters it is almost impossible to meet. For there rats dominate, and to compete with these artful and clever "colleagues" hamsters are not solved. Even despite its large size, a rodent can reach a length of 35 cm, 4 cm of which falls on the tail. In addition to impressive size, the animal has sharp front teeth and very sharp claws on the paws. These representatives of the hamster family are characterized by a violent and cruel temper. They converge only during the breeding season, the rest of the time they live according to the principle of "hamster hamster - wolf".
Color of a hamster of ordinary sand color.On the chest there are always two small white spots. Fur is very dense, the hair is thick. This is due to severe climatic conditions in some countries where the animal lives. In winter they hibernate. The process of food storage is interesting. Hamster is able to harvest up to 12 kg of feed. However, there were cases when they found up to 90 kg of provisions prepared by this breed. The rodent stores its reserves in a special compartment of its own burrow. And the burrows of ordinary hamsters are deep, up to 1.5 meters. In the burrow there can be from 5 to 10 inputs. The rodent will defend its territory to the death. Is able to protect the burrow not only from relatives, but also from large predators. A hamster can attack a person in case of danger. These animals jump very high, they have strong claws, so it's better not to try to invade the space of such a defender.
They feed on all sorts of grains, they will gladly take care of potatoes and lentils. As a delicacy are quite capable of eating a small mouse.
As for breeding, the female hamster of the common gives birth to 4 litters a year. There are 3-5 young in the litter. Life expectancy of rodents from 3.5 to 4 years.
What are the breeds of wild hamsters, in addition tothe above? South African hamster, field hamsters, pre-Caucasian hamsters, Transcaucasian hamsters, Transbaikal hamsters and many others. All these rodents are very difficult to tame and try to avoid human society. Lovers of "exotic" have repeatedly tried to turn this breed of hamsters, like a hamster ordinary, into a pet. But the idea did not justify itself, this animal is extremely distrustful of people, and practically does not live in captivity.
The main presented species of hamsters with photos will help you to understand the appearance of animals. Let's consider some of them in more detail.
Of course, these are breeds of domestic hamsters, suchas Syrian and Dzungarian. Dzhungar hamsters gained their popularity not so long ago. But their Syrian "brethren" have always been considered a universal breed. One that lives in a three-liter bank for a long time and happily. In order to avoid delusions about any features of these two breeds, it is worth talking about them in more detail. Breeds of hamsters with a photo are presented.
Why such a strange title - "redheadedbarrel "? It's about the hamster of the Syrian breed, because the second name of the Syrian hamster is golden, the roots of this cute rodent go to Syria, but there are no reliable facts about the origin of the breed, one of the legends says that the breed was discovered in Syria, several individuals were transported to England, and from there the distribution of animals throughout the world began.
The main color of the Syrian hamster is golden.But now there are many other colors. It's silver, and ivory, and just white. There are spotted rodents, dark brown, gray and even black. These animals are long-haired and short-haired. Long-haired are also called "Angora hamsters," and they belong, as a rule, to representatives of the "male" part of rodents. Females are the owners of short wool. The hairline is very soft and pleasant to the touch, however, the long coat may become tangled around the hamster's hind legs.
The Syrian hamster is a small animal.The length of his body is only 10 cm, the tail is short and almost invisible. As already mentioned above, the color varies from white to spotted. The muzzle is pointed, the ears are small, located high on the head, round in shape. Eyes resemble beads, their main color is black. However, there are individuals with red eyes.
In the care of a hamster unpretentious, however, this does not mean,that it can be kept in a three-liter jar. No, the animal needs a spacious cage, equipped with a water bottle, a feeder and all kinds of loopholes, castors, and also a house. Syrians are very mobile. They lead a nocturnal life, they can run around in the wheel all night, rustle with their supplies and explore other objects in the cage.
To contain a hamster of the Syrian breed is better than one.Males will definitely find out the relationship, and this will not end any good for the animals. Females, like males, are capable of competing for supremacy in the cage, and this is fraught with fights and wounds leading to the death of the animal. Keep the male and female together is not desirable, because hamsters are extremely prolific. Females can bring offspring at intervals of forty days, and frequent births, which are guaranteed when she lives with the father of a hamster family, can undermine the female organism. And she will simply perish at the next birth.
The basis of the ration of the Syrian hamster isbalanced feed. It includes all the necessary grains and herbs. Millet, wheat, buckwheat, dry sedge and vetch - favorite "dishes" of small animals. However, it is not necessary to keep the animal on a "foot" soldering. In the diet should be present vegetables, except cabbage, and fruits except bananas, grapes and mangoes. Two times a week is worth giving a little boiled, chilled meat without bones. It can be chicken, turkey or beef. You can treat your pet with low-fat cottage cheese and a piece of boiled egg. Of course, that a hamster can not be given sweet, spicy foods, pickles and smoked products. The water should be kept in the water tank at all times. These lovely creatures drink very much, especially in hot weather. Once a week you can give a little lean yogurt.
Syrian hamsters are easily tamed.They are contacts, they can sit all day in the hands of the owner. Other representatives of the breed respond to their name, occasionally rodents master various tricks. But it's still - not a clever and intelligent rat. The brains of the Syrian hamsters are somewhat different. But for the pet can be watched closely: he is amusing running around in the wheel, concentrating enough provisions and carrying it in the cheek pouches into his own house.
As for the harvesting of the cage, it is necessary to conduct ittwo to three times a week, completely removing the filler and food remnants. Flush the bottom of the cell with hot water with a disinfectant, wipe it dry and watch so that there are no traces of this remedy. With proper care, good nutrition and regular cleaning in the cage, the pet grows chances to live up to 3-3.5 years. The average life expectancy is 2.5 - 3 years.
And these are hamsters of the Jungariki breed, or Dzungarian. Despite the small size, about 5 cm, these kids have a tough character and require certain conditions of detention.
First of all, to keep the DzungarianA hamster needs a spacious cage and a wheel. These animals are so mobile that they are able to "run in" over the night in the order of 40 km. In addition, the Dzhungariki are prone to excess weight, and this significantly reduces the time of their life. Therefore, the wheel is necessary both for the splash of the energy of the mobile animal, and for maintaining its physical form.
Второй пункт - это "внутренности" клетки.In addition to the wheel, there must be tunnels and stairs in it, ideally a two-storey cage, equipped with stairs, tunnels and a large wheel. The house can be put on the first floor, the hamster will be more convenient to go into it with stuffed cheeks, you do not have to climb the stairs. It is advisable to purchase a wooden house, because, due to the choleric character, the rodent will certainly taste it. Plastic can damage the gastrointestinal tract of a hamster, and wood is safer in this regard.
The third one is a drinker with clean water and a feeder. The food for the dzhungar hamster is no different from his Syrian relative.
The fourth point is cleaning in a cage. Weekly, with complete disinfection and thorough washing with boiling water.
The breed of homemade dwarf hamsters possessesvery "cool" character. There are cases when two hamsters got along in one cage, but this is a big rarity. Dzungariki are pugnacious, and they can not stand neighbors in their territory. If a hamster - "old-timer" to plant a newcomer, in 95% of the latter will die from the teeth of the owner of the cell. Moreover, the dzhungar hamsters are killed with particular cruelty.
As for reproduction, the animals converge onperiod of binding. After this, it is necessary to arrange future parents, otherwise, the male is quite capable of hitting the female. Pregnancy from 28 to 35 days, in the litter can be up to 12 kids. At the age of 4 weeks, the young can and should be taken from the parent and placed in good hands.
These hamsters live only 1,5-2 years. Although with due care can live up to 2.5 years.
All the above-mentioned breeds of hamsters (withphotos) are the most popular among the rest. For example, an ordinary hamster can be found walking in the field. To know how to behave at such a meeting and the descriptions of rodents and their characters are given.
As for domestic hamsters, there are many misconceptions about their breeds. This article is an assistant for those who want to have a Syrian or Djungarian hamster as their pet.