/ How many years live wavy parrot? Answers from ornithologists

How many years live wavy parrot? Answers from ornithologists

how many years the wavy parrot lives

Parents often want to have their childa pet, so that the kid learns responsibility and attains a faithful friend. However, often all family members start to wonder about how many years the undulating parrot lives. Nobody wants his child to survive the stress of parting with his beloved almost immediately after the purchase, because many birds live very short.

На данный момент волнистые попугаи – это самые popular birds. They are ideally suited to the interior of any apartment and are rather unpretentious in maintenance and care. The life expectancy of wavy parrots ranges from fifteen to twenty years, which makes this species ideal for a gift even the smallest. Having bought such a bird for your child, you can observe how they grow up together and get to know the world. In addition, the parrot can learn words simultaneously with the baby, turning a boring learning process into an interesting and exciting game.

If we talk about how many years living wavyparrot, it is possible to stop at the mark between 12 and 20 years, but at home it can live much longer. These cute birds live in Australia, where they were brought in the middle of the century before last. Because of their cheerful nature and very easy breeding, they quickly took the lead in the environment of feathered pets. Initially, their natural color was dark-green plumage, however, over the years of breeding and breeding, ornithologists have deduced more than a hundred different variations.

parrot wavy life expectancy

So as not to torment the question of how many years livewavy parrot, it should provide him with proper care. First of all, you need to put clean paper on the bottom of the cage. It should be remembered that any printing ink contains poisonous substances for birds, therefore any printing or newspapers should be discarded. In addition, you need to install a few perches.

life expectancy of wavy parrots

They not only provide birds with the possibility of a pointbeak and claws, but also give them the opportunity to flirt from one place to another. The perch must be located at a distance of several swings of the parrot's wings. An important factor in the answer to the question of how many years the undulating parrot lives is the conditions for its maintenance. Because of the high mobility, these birdies require a cage quite impressive in size. The minimum parameters are 60 cm wide and 40 cm high. In addition, it is necessary to place it away from sources of heat and drafts. The ideal place will be a well-lit part of the wall, approximately at the level of the adult's eyes, a couple of meters from the window and doorways.

Parrot wavy, life expectancywhich can be a couple of decades, is very easy to learn human speech. With due perseverance on the part of the teacher, he is able to learn up to three hundred different words. In addition, he can remember and reproduce even complex phrases. Therefore, a wavy parrot is a wonderful domestic pet, with which not only one can talk, but also receive an answer from him.

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