Bringing into the house a tiny defenseless creature,new owners are often puzzled by the question of how to name a four-footed friend. Puppies always look very funny and touching. Choosing a particular baby among many others, I want to immediately start to take care of him, get everything you need. But first you need to pick up a beautiful and sonorous nickname for the dog. Chihuahua is an unusual breed. They practically do not give the owner any trouble, they do not have to walk every day.
Such small creatures go great ondiaper or in a special tray. In this article, we will show you how to choose the right name for chihuahua girls. If you decide to buy yourself such a dear friend, then our recommendations will certainly be useful. Clicks for small dog-girls of the Chihuahua can be very different. One has only to think carefully and show a little imagination.
Chihuahua is the world's smallest dog, one ofpopular breeds. People often choose it for themselves as a pet, because it is easy to take care of and train. Especially love to give such animals to children, because it is extremely difficult to cope with a large animal. Of course, such a baby is not meant to protect an apartment or protection.
People, rather, start it for their ownPleasure to constantly have a good mood. Good mood is guaranteed to you! Clicks for a Chihuahua girl, based on the characteristics of the breed, can be: Baby, Cute, Princess, Knop, Bead. You can wear your baby on your walks. The people around will be delighted and will make compliments. You too will be in the spotlight thanks to such a beautiful dog. Surround the puppy with care and attention.
Dogs of this breed are distinguished by a largemobility, activity and curiosity. By temperament they can be compared with sanguine and choleric. Such a baby is unlikely to sit for a long time in one place. Dogs like running around the house, frolicking and mischievous.
In addition, they often ask for hands on the owner,demanding another portion of attention and affection. The name for the Chihuahua girl can be selected according to this feature: Yula, Arrow (or Arrow), Rocket, Comet. No one can remain indifferent. To emphasize the mischievous nature and propensity to leprosy, choose the nicknames: Prygunochka, Skakalochka, Neposeda, Smile.
Despite its small size, the dogs of the breedChihuahuas are incredibly devoted to man. As a rule, they choose one member of the family and serve it wholeheartedly. Clicks for a Chihuahua girl can be: Umka, Laska, Nyasha, Nyusha. To call the baby should be so that you yourself were extremely pleased to pronounce the name. Never give a nickname that one of the relatives advised, but you personally do not like it. This approach will not bring any joy to you or the animal.
These most delicate creatures are of variouscolors, and all of them, in most cases, are uniform. The nicknames for the Chihuahua girl should emphasize the bright dignity of the color: Belyanochka, Chernushka, Snowflake, Night. So you initially do not have to be confused in a variety of names, with the agony of picking up among them the right one. The color of the coat, as a rule, will say everything for yourself, you do not need to invent anything extra.
The name for the red-haired girl chihuahua may beas follows: Zolotinka, Radiant, Dawn. This option can be considered quite acceptable, if you do not want to devote much time to thinking about this issue. In any case, the name for the Chihuahua-girls must necessarily be imbued with extraordinary tenderness. Your pet will remain grateful if you reward her with an affectionate and pleasant nickname.
What are the nicknames for chihuahua girls-funny?Of course, each person will taste different names. It is known that there is no dispute about tastes, but you can take into consideration some beautiful nicknames. What are these options? Lisa, Bella, Willie, Renata, Leila. Great success is enjoyed by the names: Cleopatra (abbreviated as Klepa), Elsa, Masja, Mila, Milena. There are people who prefer the Old Slavonic dialects: Dunya, Dusya, Manya, Martha.
In any case, try to choose the name forThe dog is delicate, refined and suitable for her. Sometimes a single glance at the animal is enough to make the name appear on its own. Listen to your intuition, it will definitely tell you the right decision!
After all, the Chihuahua is a breed bred in Mexico.Proceeding from this fact, the crumb can be christened, for example, like: Alicia, Beatrice, Deborah, Dolphin, Dolores, Esenia, Camilla, Aleta. They all sound amazing and mentally return us to beautiful Mexico and the mysterious Spain. Fans of Brazilian TV series can be advised to call the dog named the favorite heroine. For this purpose, ideally suited: Ines, Manuela, Marcela, Chica, Estela. The surrounding people will have pleasant associations. If you want the nickname to be the most natural component of a puppy's life, then you should choose from Mexican and Spanish female names: Francisco, Teresa, Regina, Matilda, Marcia.
Who does not know the lioness Nalu from the famous "Kinglion "? Nobody prevents you from baptizing your favorite dog. Often people prefer to give their pets the original names: Lucy, Lizzie, Dolly, Leda, Adele, Cindy. Such a nickname will prominently highlight your pet in the yard and give her some advantages over the usual Beetles and Manka.
Unusual names emphasize the original approachmaster, his exquisite taste and the desire to proudly demonstrate his individual position. If you call your beautiful Lumba or Daisy, the surrounding people will longly repeat the name in letters, trying to remember it better.
It is highly discouraged to call an animalcommon names of people who predominate in your country. For example, the dog Elena, Natalia or Irina will insult the hearing of all women who are so called. Do not call her Katya or Olga. A dog should not have an abusive nickname, which it would be embarrassing to say out loud in the yard. This does not demonstrate the originality of thinking in any way, but, rather, will upset others.
Choosing a name for a four-footed friend is not a tasklungs. Sometimes you need to connect a lot of imagination to choose the right one for your little prankster. The nicknames for the chihuahua girl must be beautiful, gentle, always pleasant to the ear.