/ / How to give a cat a pill: tips and tricks

How to give a cat a pill: tips and tricks

How wonderful it is when you have a homepet. Everyone gets used to it, they love it, and it's for you - as a member of the family. Therefore, when the animal is sick, you are very worried and wish for its speedy recovery. If you suspected an illness of your pet, the first thing you need to contact a specialist. He will diagnose and prescribe the right treatment. And here the owners of pets have various problems and questions. In this article, we will talk about how to give the cat tablets.

how to give a cat a pill

To the cat to recover soon, she needscorrect treatment. If the veterinarian prescribed the pill, then you will have to give them yourself. Only here not all cats can easily swallow a pill, basically it is rather problematic. Some drugs can be mixed in the food, but this is not always effective. So, if you are wondering how to give a cat a pill, arm yourself with patience and read our advice.

The main requirement - your pet should be in a sitting position, its head and paws must be securely fixed, otherwise it can be harmful to the animal.

How to give a cat a pill?

how to give a cat a pill
The first method is a cunning.Add the tablet to your cat's favorite food. The tablet can be grinded and covered in food in the form of a powder. And you can form a delicacy of a small ball, stuck inside the tablet. It should be noted that cats perfectly smell foreign odors, so the food should be slightly heated to make it more fragrant. Make sure that your pet swallows the pill.

If using the first method you have nothingit turned out, do not despair. Make syrup from the pill. Grind it and dissolve in a teaspoon of water. And how to give the cat a tablet after the grinding? It's very simple! The resulting mixture must be typed into a syringe without a needle or a pipette. Pinch the animal's head in the palm of your hand, and with the other hand insert the tip of the instrument into the mouth, into the area behind the canine. Carefully pour out the contents, just make sure that the mixture is poured across the mouth, as when the liquid enters the throat, the cat may be drowned.

how to give a cat pills

How to give a cat a pill if none of thethe above options did not work? First of all, calm down and achieve a calm state of the animal. Now try another method - put the tablet on the root of the tongue. Hold the cat's head with the palm of your hand. Place your thumb and index finger in the corners of the mouth. Slowly raise the head of the animal until the lower jaw begins to open. With the second hand, put the tablet on the root of the tongue. After this, you must close the cat's mouth and raise its head. The cat itself must swallow the pill. You can also pet your pet over the throat, this will cause a swallowing reflex. Beforehand, you can lubricate the tablet with margarine or butter so that it passes better into the esophagus.

Of course, it's up to you which of the listedoptions for how to give the cat a pill, choose. However, remember: in addition to our recommendations, you need to use love and affection. The animal must understand that you do not wish it evil, but, on the contrary, want to help. Then this procedure will be much easier.

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