/ / Name of the calf: list of funny names

Calf name: a list of funny names

Any living thing should bear a name.Especially as pretty as a calf. Many will say that there is no point in thinking about such a problem as a name for an animal, whether it's a calf or a chicken. But I want to note that everything is not so simple. Some scientists have carried out a series of studies, as a result of which it became clear that if a cow is given a beautiful and sonorous name, then her milk yields increase. So, the process of milk production directly depends on whether there is a name for your wet nurse or not. Let's study this painful question in more detail.

Calf name

The name of a calf. General Selection Rules

Everyone knows that every person has a name, andAn animal must have a nickname. That's the difference. Since ancient times, such a tradition has arisen - not to call animals by human names. Why? Because all names for a person are the names of saints. Calling a child in the name of a saint, we choose a patron who will protect him from all bad life throughout his life. So, you can not call an animal a person's name. This is considered a great sin. Some breeders of domestic animals still observe this tradition, and some do not attach any importance to it. Therefore, quite often you can meet animals with such names (names) as Borka, Mashka, Glashka, Timoshka and so on.

How to name the calf

Nickname selection options

When choosing a name for the calf, you need toattention to the nature of the animal, its appearance, and a number of other significant characteristics. For example, the month in which he was born, the time of day, the weather and so on. It's good if the calf name will have something with you or somebody to associate with.

Another important advice is better if the animal's name is simple and short enough. You need this in order for the calf to better remember it, and you will be more comfortable calling the pet.

Nickname for the calves of girls

Choose a name for the chick

No wonder the cartoon hero Captain Vrungelsaid: "As you call a boat, so it will float!" This has its own meaning. Therefore, choosing the name of the future cow, think about what qualities she can reward the character of your little heifer. Include fantasy, in such a matter as choosing a name for a calf, it's for you, oh how, it will come in handy.

Among livestock keepers there is such an old tradition,which teaches the nicknames for calf-girls to come up with the same letter as the mother's name. Let's say that a cow that has been called is called Nochka, then her daughter must also be named "H".

How to name a calf calf

Examples of nicknames for calves

Many owners of cows prefer not tothink about when choosing a nickname and call them a female name, but with minor changes. It can be a rough form of a name or, on the contrary, affectionate. For example, Zoyka, Varka, Milka or Ksyusha, Nyusha, Anyuta. As noted above, when choosing a name, you can focus on the time of year, day or month, when heifer was born. It can be - Zorka, Nochka, Zvezdochka, Mike, April, Martha and so on. Or according to the weather - Snowstorm, Snowflake, Blizzard, Cloud, Ice and the like.

Name in appearance

Another option for choosing a name is based on the appearance of the calf, depending on the color. Here are typical examples: Ryabushka, Chernushka, Burenka, Pestrruha, Belyanka, Ryzhuha and so on.

Observe Behavior

If you did not immediately christen your newbornpet, and left the choice of name for later, then, how to call it, you can tell the behavior of the heifer. There are different options. How do you like: Tikhonya, Skoda, Umka, Rezvoshka, Bujanka, Chistyulka (and there are many others)? Sense of humor, too, does not hurt when choosing a nickname. Those around you will definitely pay attention to the unusual name of your pet and ask about the motives of the choice made. Agree that such calf names as Bambi, Curly, Murka, Masyanya, Bunny, Meatball, Lyalka, Obzhorka, Bounty and others, sound original enough and fun.

How not to call

There is an opinion that it is better not to callcalf with such names as Zlyuchka, Bujanka, etc. due to the fact that they will behave in accordance with their nickname. Can be aggressive, stubborn and evil. But this is not scientifically proven. Therefore, how to name the calf, decide on your own. After all, the most important indicator will be the fact that you like the name you choose personally and your family members.

Cries of calves calves

Choose a name for the bull-calf

If you have a baby calf(goby), then you should follow the same tradition described above, only the male sex is called a name, the first letter of which is the same as that of the father. Let us give an example. The bull (father) is called Buyan, so the name for the newborn calf-boy must begin with the letter "B". Let's think about how to name a calf-bull. Fantasy, a sense of humor and advice from loved ones will help you in this matter.

As well as in the case of the birth of a calf, the choicethe nicknames of calf calves will depend on the same factors. Look closely at the newborn calf and, most likely, you will quickly decide how to call it. Here are a few variants of names suitable for calf-boys. This is Gavryusha, Mars, Saturn, Snickers, Prince, Smurfik, Breeze, Bell, Bar and so on.

If you want your bull-calves to grow big andstrong, it is better not to call him Tiny and Baby. This is certainly not a fact, but still a fraction of the probability is present, and your calf can grow weak and not at all large.

Once again, the name of the calf should beto be easy to pronounce, to call the animal could be without special difficulties. Compare the two options. For example, the calf name is March. Try shouting this name out as if you want to shout to him. Tried it? We were convinced that there are no special difficulties here. But if your bull's name is Boniface. Screaming this name is much more difficult.

So how to name the calf-bull-calf to observe allrules and recommendations? Already many times scientists have argued that for animals it is not so important to sound the name, as the owner's voice and intonation. That's why animals will never confuse their masters, even if they are all called alike. In large villages, the owners of cattle do not particularly think about how to name the calf. Born in March - will be March, in April - April. But there is no confusion. Why? Because every animal primarily focuses on the voice of its owner. Clicks for calf-boys can be the same, but the intonation and voice of the owner can not be confused with anyone else.

Boy's calves for boys

Funny story

Here is one characteristic example from the life of cattle breeders.One of the owners of the newborn bull was choosing a name for the calf for a long time and eventually decided to call it the Student. He explained his choice to the fact that after finishing school the son of this bull's meat will come in handy for the proceeds of money necessary for the child's education in the university. The bull will grow up, it will be put on meat, and the proceeds will go to pay for education. But, as usual, all students, usually, are thin and hungry. So, the bull was also not going to become big and well-fed, and by the necessary time he could not gain the necessary commodity weight. I had to find finance for education in a different way.

Summing up

Variants of nicknames for newborn calves can become up with a lot. But the main thing is still not a combination of sounds in it, but the way you will refer to the newborn. Do this calmly, with love and sincerity, letting him know that you are a kind and loving owner. And then even the most harmful nature of the calf will change, and he will unconditionally trust you. And with such a benevolent attitude, your goby will not be so harmful, and the cow will give better quality milk and more.

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