/ / How to accustom the hamster to the toilet, to the hands and to the toilet

How to accustom the hamster to the toilet, to the hands and to the toilet

Lovely fluffy hamsters are the most idealanimals for maintenance in the house. They are unpretentious in food, they do not have to walk two or three times a day on the street, they do not cry and do not ask for your attention at the moment when you are busy. Care of this rodent does not require much time, effort and expense. If these arguments helped you decide in order to get a hamster, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the further information presented in the article. From it you will learn all the basic moments of caring for an animal: how to accustom the hamster to the toilet, to the trough and the water bowl, to the wheel. We hope that this material will become for you a good clue and a guide to action.

how to accustom the hamster to the toilet

We bring up a hygiene culture in a rodent

How to accustom the hamster to the toilet?This important hygienic moment will be discussed in the first part of the article. From the first day, as soon as you brought the rodent into the house and placed in a cage, pay attention to what corner of it he goes to the toilet. Hamsters, living around the place, choose for their physiological needs a certain zone. Here it is necessary to put a toilet. In it, pour in a special filler or sawdust. But it's not a fact that your pet immediately goes to defecate there. Make him do it, using a cunning move. How to accustom the hamster to the toilet? Put a little of that litter on the filler. which was removed from the corner, where the rodent initially satisfied his physiological needs. The smell of urine and feces will serve as a clue that this is the place for the toilet. The hamster is like this equipment, will sniff it, and the urge to excrement will force it to go there. Thus, your pet will understand where and how to meet your needs.

Toilet for the rodent we make at home

Equipment of this kind is sold in storesgoods for animals. It has a triangular or square shape, well placed in the corner of the cell. But you can easily and quickly build a toilet for a hamster with your own hands. How to do this is described in the following instructions.

Pick up a small-sized plasticcontainer with a lid. On one side of it, above the base, cut a hole about 2.5 centimeters in diameter (1.5 centimeters for dwarf hamsters). From the bottom of the capsule, go back about 1 cm. Thus, during the entry and exit of the rodent into the toilet, the litter will not get enough sleep in the cage. Cut the edges of the cut out hole so that they are not sharp, and the small pet is not injured. Pour the filler into the toilet and set it in the right place. Such equipment, made by own hands, from time to time will need to be changed, since plastic absorbs the smell of urine, which can not be taken out completely, no matter how carefully you did not wash the container.

how to accustom the hamster to the hands

Another kind of homemade toilet for a rodentis a glass jar. A container with a wide mouth of 0.5 liters (250 ml for dwarf hamsters) is placed in a horizontal position in the desired corner of the cage. Pour a little filler into the jar. All that remains is to wash regularly and change the internal contents of the container.

How to accustom the hamster to the toilet, how to make this kind of equipment with your own hands, you learned, and then we'll talk about other, equally important moments of rodent education.

Feeding trough

The best way is to pour the rodent into the bowl.It should be stable and not very light so that the hamster does not turn it when it is supported by paws or inside. The feeder can be bought or made independently, for example, by cutting a plastic bottle or by adapting doll utensils for these purposes.

As for drinkers, then drink a hamster from the usualThe bowls are not quite comfortable. He will turn the water all the time, as a result of which he will be all wet and the litter will moisten. It is better to use special equipment.

toilet for a hamster own hands

Water fittings

Option number 1 - standard plastic drinker.It is attached to the bars of the cage so that the bulb with the liquid remains outside, and only its spout is inside. This rodnik rodent will not turn over and not bite.

Option number 2 - automatic drinking bowl.It is a plastic container equipped with a steel nozzle with a vertical valve or two balls. Due to these devices, the water in the pointer is held, and when pressed, it follows. The main advantage of such equipment is that the water in it is not contaminated, and it needs to be changed less often.

How to accustom a hamster to a drinking bowl?Bring her rod to the muzzle of the rodent so that a few drops fall into his mouth. Repeating these manipulations a couple of times, the animal will understand what's what, and start drinking water on its own. You can smear the metal tip of the apparel with what the hamster likes to eat (jam, cheese, butter). While the rodent will lick the spout of equipment, water will drip into his mouth. Zverek will understand what to do when you want to drink.

how to accustom a hamster to a toilet

Apartments for the rodent. How to accustom the hamster to the house?

In this case, it is necessary to act as inaccustoming the animal to the toilet. The first two days, observe in which part of the cage the rodent will lay down to sleep. Then put the house in the place chosen by him. Place there a fresh bedding and a bit of the one that was in this area before installing the equipment. Sensing the smell of his lair, the hamster will go into the house.

But there are times when the animal does not want tolive in this equipment. What exactly does he dislike? There can be several reasons: poor house ventilation, unpleasant odor, humidity. Consider these points, try changing equipment. If the rodent does not like the plastic house, put a wooden or just a cardboard box.

how to accustom the hamster to the wheel

Entertainment for a hamster

One of the indispensable elements of equipping the cellsrodent is the wheel. It is used not only for the hamster to take care of himself. Running in the wheel helps prevent rodent obesity. Therefore, at night, when the animal is most active, put this equipment in a cage. How to accustom the hamster to the wheel? Put in it a piece of the product that loves the rodent. When he climbs into the wheel, gently scroll it. From the first time, the animal may not understand what happened. Repeat these manipulations several times. As a result, the hamster will start to go and run in the wheel.

How to accustom a hamster to your hands? We show patience and care

Hamsters are timid and timid creatures.It is difficult to accustom them to their hands, but it is possible. Act slowly and slowly. First, just go to the cage and stand near it. While you are pouring food, change water and litter, talk to a small pet. Try to treat him with a delicacy: a piece of apple or cheese. When the rodent becomes emboldened and begins to take food from your hands, stroke him lightly with your finger on the back. Repeat these actions for several days in a row. Well, then take the animal in your hands. If he resists, release and try again later. How to accustom a hamster to his hands, to a house, a drinking-bowl and other things, you already know, and caring for a small fuzzy now for you will be simple and easy.

how to accustom a hamster to a house


So, step by step, you will teach your petlive in your own cage and use her equipment for the intended purpose. But the most important thing is that he will begin to trust you. Be patient, loving and caring, and a hamster, however, like any other animal, will respond with the same affection.

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