During pregnancy, the body's need forvitamins are increasing. This is due to the active development and growth of the fetus. The lack of vitamins, especially at an early stage, can adversely affect both the course of the pregnancy itself and the health of the baby's future. Nowadays in the pharmaceutical market there is a huge variety of vitamin complexes for pregnant women.
Vitamins Elevit at pregnancy, containing 12 vitamins, 4 minerals and 3 microelements are widely popular.
Reception of Vitamins Elevit in Pregnancyfavorably affects the development of a healthy child, meeting the increased needs for vitamins and minerals of the fetus and the mother. Elevit for pregnant women, instruction on the use of this drug is attached, but the main indicators for its reception are:
- the lack of trace elements and minerals at a time when the mother is waiting for the birth of the baby or when breastfeeding;
- prevention of congenital malformations in the development of fetus and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) during pregnancy;
- prevention of gestosis in women in the position.
Elevit in pregnancy is recommended to be taken during the whole period, as well as during feeding.
The drug does not contain iodine and when it is taken, iodine-containing preparations are additionally prescribed.
High content of magnesium (100 mg) improves blood circulation, it has a beneficial effect with the threat of termination of pregnancy.
Iron (60 mg) ensures the supply of oxygenin all organs of mother and child. Deficiency of it increases the risk of premature birth and stillbirth. Serves as the cause of atonic uterine bleeding. Also, iron deficiency entails a weakening of immunity and anemia in the mother.
Calcium (125 mg) is needed for the proper formation of the heart, muscle tissue and nervous system.
Zinc (7.5 mg) helps in the development of the immune systemchild, affects the growth and weight of infants at birth. The lack of it can cause violations of embryonic development and lead to the formation of imperfections of the infant's neural tube.
Folic acid (0.8 mg) is almost 100%reduces the risk of neural tube defects and reduces the probability of developing fetal malformations by 47%. Actively participates in the formation of the tissues of the fetus and blood vessels, and it is also necessary to restore and renew the cells of the mother. Therefore, a lack of it can lead to the termination of pregnancy.
Pantothenic acid (10 mg) is involved in the metabolism and formation of sex hormones.
Vitamin B1 (1.6 mg) is necessary to maintain a good appetite and sleep in a pregnant woman, to provide the fetal nerve and muscle tissues with energy.
Vitamin B2 (1.8 mg) promotes the proper development of the fetus, protects against anemia. The disadvantage can lead to premature birth.
Vitamin B6 (2.6 mg) is actively involved in the processhematopoiesis. It is also needed for the production of amino acids, from which the protein will be synthesized in the future - the main material for building the cells of the baby's body. It ensures the normal development of the nervous system and brain. Taking the drug Elevit during pregnancy reduces the likelihood of toxemia at the very beginning of pregnancy. Lack of vitamin B6 causes a disturbance in the work of the nervous system, GI disease, anemia, and also increases the likelihood of seizures in the limbs.
Vitamin B12 (4mkg). Its shortage may lead to the termination of fetal development and subsequent spontaneous abortion.
Vitamin A (1.2 mg) ensures the growth of the fetus. If the body of the mother is experiencing a deficit, then the immunity decreases, the appearance worsens.
Vitamin C (100 mg) promotes the assimilation of iron and strengthens immunity.
Vitamin D (12.5 mkg) is necessary for the assimilation of phosphorus and calcium, without which the formation of teeth and bones is impossible. Prevents development of rickets in newborns.
Vitamin E (15 mg) is involved in the process of tissue respiration and metabolism. It also performs a protective function, protecting the body from the effects of free radicals.
Biotin (0.2 mg) normalizes the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. At its or his shortage at pregnant women the nausea and loss of appetite amplifies, there is a drowsiness and a lethargy.
All these vitamins in the indicated doses are contained inthis preparation. Elevit for pregnant women, the cost of which is not great, is able to increase the immunity of a future mother. But in such vitamin complexes there are contraindications. Elevit should not be taken to people with increased sensitivity to the components that make up the drug.
It is not recommended long-term use in hypervitaminosis A and / or D, high content of calcium in the blood, if a woman suffers from urolithiasis or her digestibility of iron is impaired.
In some cases, there may be a violation of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation). But these changes do not require the withdrawal of the drug.