Каждая мама вместе со своим чадом тяжело is experiencing the process of the baby's appearance of baby teeth. Sleepless nights, baby crying and moods, refusal of food - all these are signs that the child begins to develop a jaw and chisels erupt. This period is certainly difficult, but it just needs to be lived through. However, mothers should be observed at this time for the condition of the child. The slightest change in his health can not be ignored. The most alarming signal is considered to be a rise in temperature. Discuss?
Myths and Misconceptions
Why does the temperature rise?
Temperature is the natural reaction of the body toharmful bacteria or viruses. This is a kind of signal that the struggle with the uninvited guest began. The oral cavity is an open gate to the passage of infection, especially when the tooth is cut. The temperature will appear if the pathogenic bacterium enters the body and the infection has occurred. And the higher it is, the sooner it is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician.
What are the causes of infection in the oral cavity?
Следует сразу отметить, когда у малыша режется tooth, the temperature may rise slightly. Still, this process is quite painful and stressful for crumbs. The gums are itching, and the child tries to scratch them all that comes to hand. Even both hands sometimes appear in his small mouth. Toys or uncut nails baby can leave the wound on the mucosa. And this, in turn, entails getting into it an infection.
Stomatitis does not sleep
Самой распространенной детской болезнью в период dentists call stomatitis. It manifests itself in the appearance in the mouth cavity of white or red ulcers. Foci of inflammation cause severe pain. A child with a stomatitis can not eat, babble, he constantly cries and becomes very restless. Often when stomatitis, especially when teeth are cut, high temperature is observed in the child. There are often cases when it is accompanied by cramps. It is important to begin treatment as soon as possible.
The pediatrician calmed
The child has a few days of fever ...You summoned the child's doctor, he examined his patient and, without revealing anything, suggested that this is a reaction to teething. Maybe. Each organism reacts in its own way to physiological processes. But that's bad luck: the child does not fall temperature. How many days are your teeth chopped? Believe me, not for several days. And you all this time will think that the rise in body temperature is associated with the development and formation of the jaw? No, it's unreasonable. Once again we want to say: if the tooth is cut, the temperature should not be high. Closely monitor the state of the child and, in the case of the slightest suspicion of the disease, call the doctor.
It's painful to see how a child is suffering and hardhear his crying when the tooth is cut. Temperature above 38 degrees - urgently start to knock down it, and also it is necessary to consult with the pediatrist. You, as a mother, are simply obliged to help your baby. Today, there is a mass of medications that soothe the itching when teeth are erupted in small children. Gels and creams are absolutely safe. They cool the inflamed gums and help relieve the baby for a time from pain and discomfort. Of course, you should not abuse these drugs. To speed up the process of teething help special rubber toys filled with water, nipples. Before use, they are well washed, cooled and given to the baby. It helps a lot.