Today, there are many breeds of cats, andeach of them has its own fans and opponents. But there is one question that unites all owners of these cute animals: how many cats live and how to care for them in old age?
How many live cats: analogies with humans
The life expectancy of cats is influenced by the mostvarious factors: climate, habitat conditions (in the yard, in the room), diseases transferred to the animal. Usually cats live up to 20 years, but there are exceptions. The oldest cat managed to live up to 36 years. If we compare the "calendar" of the cat's organism with our biorhythm, then this ratio will come about. The age of a 1-month-old kitten is equal to the 8-month age of a person. 1 feline year is 15 human, that is, a one-year-old cat or cat can be compared with a teenager. Accordingly, the 20-year-old cat is already "aksakal" - its age is equal to 97 human years. The breed of cats does not play a significant role. So, the answer to the question about how many Persian cats live will be this: their life span is 15-20 years. That is, they can survive to a fairly old age. If we are talking about how many live British cats, then their age limit reaches about 15 years. But the figures are conditional, as much depends on the conditions of detention.
There are times when you determine the age of a catit's difficult - you will not be looking for the owners of the animal left on the street to ask how old it is for months or years. In these cases, it is worth paying attention to the appearance of the cat or kitten. You can do this by looking at her teeth. So, in a 4-5 month old kitten, the baby teeth are beginning to change, in six months the process ends, and a year-old animal can already see how the central incisors of the lower jaw are erased. Wiped fangs indicate that the animal is at least 5 years old. For a 10-12-year-old cat or cat, the central incisors are characteristic, and in 16-year-olds, besides the incisors, the fangs begin to fall out.
How to care for aging cats
How many live cats next to a person, so muchworries their owners the question: how to slow down their aging? Nothing is impossible in this, because how many live cats, depends primarily on the owners. We must try to give her more attention in old age - often her well-being depends on the attitude of the owner. Of great importance is the diet. If the cat eats dry food, then you need to go to a special food designed for aging cats. And try not to change its brand - animals at this age, like people, do not tolerate changes. In case of problems with the digestive system (diarrhea, constipation, vomiting), it is recommended to feed the cat 3-4 times a day in small portions, as the kittens are fed. In the diet must be present juicy food and food, which contains protein, convenient for rapid assimilation - for example, yolks from boiled soft-boiled eggs. It is worth turning to a veterinarian - maybe a cat needs a special diet.
Call your doctor more often - if possible, callvet at the house so as not to injure the animal by going to the clinic. In old age, in cats, as in humans, olfaction, sight and hearing deteriorate. It is recommended, if possible, to check these feelings. As you know, the cat will not eat anything without sniffing. This is especially true of dry food. Try to keep the smell of food so that it does not fade. Put it in a bowl just before you feed the animal.
In older cats, especially if they are sickarthritis, there may be problems with the bladder. This can be evidenced by frequent trips to the street or to the toilet tray. In the later stages of the disease, the cat can urinate involuntarily where it sleeps, lies or sits. Try to ensure that the toilet tray, in which she walks, has always been clean.
A sign of old age is also considered a deep cat sleep.Unexpected touch during sleep can make her angry or frightened. Therefore, do not allow the cat to be prevented from sleeping in the place that it chose. Of course, all this is only part of the advice and much depends on the characteristics of a particular animal - sometimes even quite old cats differ just like kitten speed. Such cats are certainly not useful for these tips.