The drug "Hilak forte" - a drug,long known and well-known about himself in the market. His popularity was due to a large spectrum of action for various gastrointestinal diseases: violations of normal intestinal flora, which often occur in the treatment of antibiotics, colitis of various genesis, violations of the gallbladder and liver.
It is equally effective in flatulence, diarrhea andconstipation. All these properties are due to the unique composition of the drug "Hilak forte." It contains aqueous extracts of the decay products of beneficial bacteria, which are necessary for the body for normal life. It can be taken by pregnant and lactating women. More and more often with colic, constipation, diarrhea and flatulence, the drug "Hilak forte" for babies is prescribed. Reviews indicate its effectiveness.
Since the "Hilak Fort" tool is a typicalprebiotic, which promotes the growth of useful microflora and inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms, it is prescribed by many pediatricians to treat and reduce the symptoms of dysbiosis. The lactic acid in the composition normalizes acidity, increases local immunity in the intestine.
Many mothers consider effective and safethe drug "Hilak forte" for babies. Reviews say that after taking this remedy babies stop crying and quietly fall asleep. And after a few days of admission, there is normalization of the stool and improvement in the overall well-being of the baby. But nevertheless, with the onset of improvements, taking medication should not be interrupted, since it is necessary to consolidate the effect, and the restoration of microflora is a matter of time, and only symptoms of the disease may disappear within one to two days, but not its cause.
How to give "Hilak Forte" babe, will telldoctor. Usually appoint 15-30 drops three times a day. The main rule: do not mix the drops of "Hilak forte" with milk: neither with the breast, nor with the cow. Therefore, the "Hilak forte" for infants (the instruction describes this in detail) is given either one hour before the feeding, or in the intervals between them. It is recommended to dilute the preparation with water or juice, since it has an acidic taste. Many mothers, starting to give the medicine "Hilak forte" for infants (reviews testify to this), find their method of feeding this tasteless medicine. Someone gives it from a pipette, someone adds it to a bottle of juice. If a child spits out a medicine, you can type it in a syringe and inject it with a cheek. Thus, the drug will enter the body, and the child will not choke.
The drug "Hilak forte" for infants (reviewsparents this is repeatedly confirmed) usually copes with the task set for the treatment of dysbiosis in infants. But if the symptoms persist for a long time, you should talk with the pediatrician and, possibly, replace the drug. It is also worth to cancel treatment if irritation develops on the skin. This indicates an increased sensitivity to the drug. Failure to comply with the rules for the use of the "Hilak forte" can lead to digestive disorders, and undiluted introduction - to irritation of the esophagus in infants.