Eye diseases in cats - a phenomenon sufficientwidespread, but because it requires special attention. But with due care and treatment, almost all ophthalmic problems can be solved, the main thing is to pay attention to them in time. And the first question that arises: "Can I wash my eyes with chlorhexidine?" In this article we will consider the possible options.
These and other signs should alert anyowner and to serve as an occasion for contacting the nearest veterinary clinic for a qualified examination and the appointment of the correct treatment with the diagnosis made. However, in order to prevent ophthalmic problems in their pets, home prevention is necessary.
In principle, any host can provide first aid to a cat, cat or kitten. The only question is how to prevent and whether it is possible to wash the eyes with chlorhexidine.
This drug is inexpensive, but very reliableantiseptic, which will not only help you and your pet more than once. Therefore, it is necessary to have it at home, along with greenery, iodine and hydrogen peroxide. It has a good antibacterial effect and is used for herpes, chlamydia, fungal and other diseases. Eye diseases in our younger brothers are caused by various bacteria, and therefore the answer to the question of whether it is possible to rinse the eyes of "Chlorhexidine" cats - yes, you can. The main thing is to do it right.
To begin with, it is necessary to decide what is necessaryto wash out eyes and whether it is possible. To wash eyes "Chlorhexidine" follows when at a cat or a cat there are plentiful purulent allocation which glue together eyelids and do not allow them to open. In other, easier cases, you can do with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid or ordinary boiled water.
In order to treat sore eyes,prepare a clean cotton wool, given that they will go a few pieces for each eye, and the necessary preparation. To avoid the cat scratching you, it should be screwed in a towel or blanket. It's better that someone else helps you, since cats do not like to limit their freedom and will start desperately to resist you.
So, after you are convinced of whether you can"Chlorhexidine" to wash the cat's eyes, proceed to the procedure. Moisten the cotton pad in a warm preparation and carefully remove the hard crusts formed on the eyes. Then, with another wet disc, gently wipe your eyes in the direction from the outer corner to the inner corner. Then pipette one or two drops of solution onto the cornea and blot the eyes with a clean and dry cloth.
Second question:"Can" chlorhexidine "wash the eyes of cats every day?" - requires control over the condition of the pet. If improvement is seen, several repetitions of such procedures are sufficient. If the cat becomes worse, it should be urgently shown to the veterinarian!
So, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to washeyes "Chlorhexidine", disclosed. For the prevention of feline ophthalmic diseases, daily hygiene, proper care and good nutrition are sufficient. And only if the cat or cat has problems with the eyes, you can resort to the help of a strong and reliable antiseptic. Let your pets be healthy!