Lego "Technician 42043" - designer, productionwhich many were waiting for. At the moment this is the largest and largest toy in the series. It is quite expensive - about 15 000 rubles, is sold in any children's store. Manufacturers suggest that we build a real Mercedes-Benz-Aroks. This truck is truly impressive. On its creation, even an adult will have to spend more than a day. There are a lot of items (2793 items). What are the advantages and disadvantages of the toy, we learn from the article.
When you go to the store, many children ask to buy a designer. Such a toy is useful:
In 2015, the company "Lego" released another novelty. This time, manufacturers suggest assembling a Mercedes-Benz truck. The name of the Lego series is "Technician 42043".
The price of the designer is quite high, soparents, the question arises, who is this toy for? The box indicates the age of children from 11 to 16 years. But if to be objective, even an adult, this designer will be interesting. But the kids probably need help.
Its peculiarity is that every detailperforms a certain function. For example, the driver's cab opens, the crane moves, the body spills the load on its own, and this is just the beginning. Do not forget to buy batteries, they are not included in the kit.
So, consider the constructor in more detail. The kit includes:
It is worth noting that all the details are arranged in packages. In all there are about 29 of them. This is very convenient, as it allows you to assemble the car in stages, without getting confused and making mistakes.
Starting to assemble Lego Technician 42043, it's worthbe reserved for patience. In fact, everything is not as simple as it seems. Talk with the child that in one day the construction can not be done, so that later there would be no offense and hysterics.
Having finished the work, you can evaluate the result. The length of the car is about 50 centimeters, many parts are moving. Let's talk about this in more detail:
To play such a car is very interesting and informative.
If you still think about whether to purchase a designer or not, we will consider its main advantages:
We note the shortcomings:
Lego Designer "Technician 42043" is the idealA model for children who are fond of trucks. It is quite difficult to assemble the Mercedes. The set includes a lot of small parts, lifting mechanisms, engines, but all this makes the workflow interesting and exciting.