Rabbits are fluffy little animals with long ears andcheerfully shining eyes. However, very often the organs of vision of these animals are exposed to various diseases, which makes them blush, covered with purulent crusts and does not seem playful at all. Why does the rabbit suppurate the eye, what to do about it, and how to prevent recurrence of the problem? To have an answer to these questions, it is worthwhile to consider especially common causes of suppuration.
There are not so many of them. As a rule, the following factors contribute to the development of inflammation.
A warm fur coat perfectly protects these animals fromfrost, but no wool saves from drafts. It is thanks to the wind blowing into the cage that the eye fades in the rabbit. What can I do to avoid this? First of all, the cells should be placed so that the animals are protected from the wind. In closed rabbits it is necessary to exclude the occurrence of drafts.
Mechanical damage, infection
Bruises, wounds, dirt in the cages - verya common cause of the rabbit's festering eyes. What should I do to minimize this probability? Of course, remove the sharp objects and monitor the cleanliness of the rabbit. Young animals often begin to suffer from a lack of vitamin A.
When rabbits have festering eyes, treatmentit is necessary to start immediately, otherwise the disease can give complications. With a festering form of purulent conjunctivitis on the cornea, a thorn can appear, and cheeks and eyelids will be covered with ulcers.
If the disease is caused by a small amountvitamin A, breathing is difficult in animals, coordination is impaired, convulsions and temperature increase are not uncommon. If there is no treatment in this situation (at a time when the rabbits are festering), the probability of the death of young animals is high.
And yet, what to do, when the eyes festera rabbit? Than to treat? Ideally, the answers to the questions should be given by the veterinarian, since the reason may not be the one the owner thinks about. However, if there is no opportunity to call a specialist, or if the origin of suppuration is obvious, it is worth starting to wash the eyes with furatsilinom. To do this, in 100 milliliters of hot water it is necessary to dissolve one tablet of the drug. After cooling, the solution can be used. In addition, 2-3 times a day you need to drip into the eyes of "Tsipromed."
There is another treatment option, whenrabbit suppurates the eye. What to do? It is necessary to brew chamomile flowers and rinse the eye with this solution. Immediately after the procedure for the lower eyelid to lay tetracycline ointment. You need to do this three times a day.
If the disease has become chronic, you need to apply a 2% yellow mercury ointment.
With both treatment options, it is worth remembering that if an improvement does not occur after 3-4 days of treatment, an expert is needed.
In addition, it must be taken into account that it is difficult to process eyes to this animal alone. For this reason, it is best to carry out the procedures together.
As you know, any disease is easier to prevent,so that in the future not to ask the question "why rabbits are festering eyes," it is necessary to minimize risks for animals. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to regularly clean the cells and rabbitry, disinfect the premises and inventory, exclude the occurrence of drafts and make sure that there is sufficient amount of vitamin A in the food of animals.
It is necessary to know that not always indicated reasonsexplain why the rabbit suppurates the eye. What if the usual treatment does not help? Be sure to call a veterinarian. Unfortunately, epidemics of myxomatosis occur fairly regularly, and only an expert can diagnose an ailment. The only person who can fight this disease is a doctor. However, often this battle does not make sense.
Mixomatosis is a very dangerous disease for these rodents. It can only be prevented by regular vaccination.
The disease spreads swiftly,occurs almost asymptomatically. Just one day yesterday, it would seem, a healthy rabbit suddenly dies. Infection is carried by bloodsucking, sick animals, inventory. Even the food eaten by a sick rabbit can become a source of infection for the entire population.
There are two forms of the disease.At the first - edematic - treatment does not exist. Ill animals die within a maximum of 7 days. All infected livestock are discarded. The first sign of the disease is watery eyes. Appear spots, develop conjunctivitis and runny nose. Breath heavy, hoarse. On the body are formed cones with liquid contents.
The nodular form of the disease is less dangerous.In this case, only half of the herd perishes. In this situation, the nodules on the skin first appear and disappear, then the eyes begin to fester. This stage lasts up to 11 days. After that, the appetite disappears and apathy comes. Sometimes the nodules swell so much that the animal's head looks like a big ball.
However, these changes are reversible. If treatment is started in a timely manner, they will not even get it. But even when the disease is neglected, the rabbit has a great chance of recovering.
To date, the only way to avoid infection is vaccination.