Today we will be interested in youmicrophones for exams. This, according to many students, is a wonderful and modern way that will help to pass on any subject perfectly. Only you need to be able to use this device. After all, any oversight can lead to failure. Moreover, if we take into account the fact that there are different types of micro-headphones. There are not so many of them, but you can notice significant differences. How to choose the modern means for writing off and passing the exams? How does it work? What varieties are there? About all this further.
To begin with, let's talk about what it is -microphones for exams. After all, it is not always clear what is at stake. In our case, as it is not difficult to guess, the device will be represented by the most usual earpiece. But only small sizes. It is used for passing exams and tests, as in the ear this device is not visible. It is placed deep, but extracted with a special magnet stick.
In general, the microphone for the exam isinvisible tiny headset, connected to your mobile phone, through which you can surrender any object. The main thing is that you have an assistant who will dictate all the answers. Types of microphones for exams are varied. What models can be found?
So, the first variant of the development of events iswire headset. It will connect to your phone with the help of pododochkov. Usually it represents the most usual headphones with a small base. It is attached to the body (usually on the back, under the clothes), and then joins the mobile device.
Further the principle of operation is simple - you call(preferably in advance) to your assistant, and then listen to the answers that are dictated to you. That is, if you think about how microphones work in order to pass exams, you can answer very simply and easily - just like an ordinary telephone headset. But for exams, virtually invisible models are used, exposing the person who writes off is extremely difficult. Almost impossible. Although wired models have their drawbacks. They are difficult to hide and not so easy to use.
A great demand is wirelessmicrophones for exams. Such a headset is very useful. It is considered universal. In practice, it is these models that help to take exams and control without any problems.
All this is because of the ease of use.After all, the headset will be connected to the mobile device with the help of "bluetooth" technologies. That is, no wires. These models are usually small pills, which are placed in the ear. This is the earpiece. You can say a mini speaker.
Then you should call your friend and waitanswer. You will be heard from the dynamics of the mobile device, and you - with a headset that is hidden deep in the ear. No wires and other troubles. The problem is only one thing - to hide the phone so that it is not noticeable. After all, the micro-earpiece with all the desire to consider in the ear can not - to remove it, you need to use a special magnetic stick. So if you are a beginner, or do not want to suffer for a long time with the connection of the headset, choose wireless models. They will surely bring success.
Microphones for exams have their ownadvantages and disadvantages. Just like any technique. Therefore, reviews about this device are various. You can meet and negative opinions, and positive. Everything depends on each situation as a whole.
However, to begin with, you must decide foryourself - and if you need a microphone to pass the exam. Most often, students choose this path when there is simply no time left to memorize the material. Otherwise, it is recommended to simply make cheat sheets in paper form. With them, students have long learned to handle.
But microphones for exams (photos of themcan be seen below) is a modern approach to the solution of the task set before us. No problems with copying, to you simply, as they say, will not find fault. The main thing is to practice in advance. After all, this is not such a simple process, as it may seem at first glance.
Well, microphones for exams are reviewsreceive a variety. As we have already found out - both bad and good. This is quite normal phenomenon. So the study of these will have to do. After all, not all students use this option of cheating. Someone, on the contrary, prefers old methods and secrets more.
However, to write off the micro-headphonesnot worth it. First, this is a fairly new tool that will help you cope with many problems. You can safely pass any item perfectly, without being exposed.
Secondly, micro-headphones are available to everyone.There are, of course, expensive models, but there are very few of them. Basically, you can keep within the cost of a normal headset for the phone. And this is a huge advantage for many students and schoolchildren.
Third, the sound quality.It pleases many people. You will hear your companion perfectly, but you will not. More precisely, your teacher will not hear your conversation. That is, you do not have to worry about this moment. It is almost impossible to be seen.
Fourth, we can not save time.Now you do not need to spend evenings on writing cheat sheets or preparing for the exam. It's enough just to connect the headset to the phone - and it's ready to use. Nothing difficult, even a schoolchild in primary grades will cope with this task.
Nevertheless, microphones for exams have their drawbacks. Some students are forced to refuse to use them, and they are forced to leave negative feedback about the models.
The most notorious fame is wired models.They are difficult to hide, difficult to connect and use as a whole. Especially if you go to the exam, where the teachers have heard about the existence of mini headphones that can help you. Wired models are detected quickly, which makes it impossible to use them.
Wireless is a little better, but they also havetheir shortcomings. Most often noted that the phone sits down quickly when using this technique. This means that you will have to write down the answers as soon as possible and take the exam. Otherwise, the headset will not work properly.
It is also worth noting - for successful applicationneed a companion. More precisely, a companion who will help you and give answers to questions. This is a huge, but obvious drawback. In addition, you will have to seriously prepare - to learn to speak into the microphone so that you do not hear the teacher, and a friend - easily. Sometimes it's not so simple.
In some cases, the micro-headphones forexaminations can bring some discomfort. This will have to get used to, or refuse to use this technology. Most often, no effect on hearing is observed, but you should try on the headset beforehand.
But there is one more small feature.It is now being promoted in many regions and has a direct relationship to microphones for examinations. The thing is that, as it is not difficult to guess, you need to keep in touch for successful use of the headset. With wireless models, this is not a problem.
Only now many began to establish specialstubs the signal in the audience. That is, within a distance the telephone connection simply will not work. So, from the microphone there will be no help. So, we are not such a universal tool. Yes, so far practice with plugs is not so common, but it already takes place. This must be taken into account.
How to be?Do not you need to use a microphone for a successful exam? Not at all, just in all you need to find harmony. You can give a little advice to all students and students about our topic today. Which one?
It is desirable for the successful passing of the exam, of courseWell, learn everything. But this does not apply to cheating. If you want to get support and reinsure, specifically choose a wireless headset, and also do conventional cheat sheets. That is, combine both options for help on the control. This technique will definitely help you get out of any situation. And most importantly, do not forget, having bought a headset for the exam, to train with it. Refine the skill of using headphones, only then go to change the subject!