/ / Can I get sunbathing in the sun and in a solarium for pregnant women?

Is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe in the sun and in the solarium?

Moderate tan is useful not only for healthypeople, but also for those who have weak immunity. A woman who carries a child, as no one needs to strengthen the general condition of the body. That is why there are often questions about whether it is possible to get pregnant and how to use ultraviolet rays.

Period of gestation - normal statepractically for any female organism. Therefore, a gynecologist who watches a pregnant woman can give an unambiguous answer about the benefits or harm of tanning for expectant mothers.

What is the use of sunlight?

In particular, solar energy is beneficialaffects the general condition of the body, contributes to the production of vitamin D and increased hemoglobin levels in the blood. In addition, the sun helps to cope with seasonal bouts of depression and normalize metabolic processes.

Most people are waiting for the holiday season toluxuriate on the seashore, gain strength, tan. Pregnant women are no exception. The positive influence of ultraviolet radiation on the human body is a long-established fact, but like any remedy, you need to take sun baths in limited quantities. Women waiting for a child are at risk, so they are often asked whether pregnant women can sunbathe in the sun. It is important to note that bearing a child is not a strong contraindication. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to other ailments.

Can I get pregnant with sunbathing?

Contraindications for sunbathing

In addition to the restriction on the duration, there are indications for refusing to stay in the sun for a long time. Among them:

  • diseases of the mammary glands, for example, mastopathy;
  • Thyroid gland diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • pathological changes in blood composition;
  • heart diseases;
  • the presence of allergic reactions to ultraviolet radiation;
  • skin diseases.

During pregnancy, the symptoms of these diseases can worsen.

Can I get pregnant with an open stomach?

Negative influence of ultraviolet radiation

Is it possible to tan pregnant in the early stages?This issue is most often of interest to women in the situation. After all, this is the time when she easily endures the flight and can go to the sea. In the early stages of pregnancy, sunbaths within reasonable limits bring more benefit than harm. An exception to the rules are women in a situation with health problems.

The main limitation for expectant mothers is the length of stay under the sun. The most harmful is considered ultraviolet radiation in the daytime, accompanied by high air temperature.

Sunbathing during pregnancy is possible, but it is importantremember that during this period the hormonal background of the future mother is rebuilt. The body produces more estrogens responsible for pigmentation. Therefore, tanning falls much faster than other people, which can cause burns.

pregnancy and sunburn

When the doctor's help is required

Recognized by medicine side effects arising from uncontrolled sunbathing:

  • the formation of burns;
  • thermal shock;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • risk of oncological diseases, in particular skin cancer;
  • high probability of development of varicose veins.

Opinions of specialists

On the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to sunbathe,you can not answer unequivocally. It is believed that in the first trimester future mothers should take special care of their health, listen to any symptoms that do not fit into the general picture of pregnancy, beware of the possible negative influence of the environment.

This opinion is a controversial issue, because wheninitially the correct course of pregnancy, the threat to life and health of the embryo is absent, with the exception of complications that can trigger external infections. In general, experts have a unified position and do not prohibit pregnant women from being in the sun. On the contrary, in reasonable quantities, ultraviolet radiation has a beneficial effect on the state of the female body.

pregnant at sea

Why pregnant women should be afraid of prolonged exposure to sunlight

The answer to this question can be formulated as follows:

  1. Long-term solar exposure leads tooverheating, which, in turn, can cause a heat stroke, as well as an increase in the internal temperature in the pelvic area of ​​a woman. The increase in temperature threatens the proper development of the fetus, in particular, has a negative effect on the formation of embryonic organs and systems. This fact should be taken into account by those who are wondering whether pregnant women can sunbathe with an open abdomen, especially on a long term.
  2. Uncontrolled exposure to ultraviolet rayson the skin of a woman who carries a baby, leads to the appearance of burns and pigmentation. Such spots on the skin, as a rule, disappear on their own, but some pigmentation of the skin can persist for a long period of time, up to the birth of the baby. In some cases, getting rid of stains can be difficult.
  3. High temperature combined with brightthe sun often provokes a worsening of health in the whole in pregnant women. Some mammies are hard to tolerate the heat, as a result of which they increase blood pressure, increases the heart rate. This is one of the most compelling reasons why specialists negatively answer the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to sunbathe. Such a reaction to prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to such sad consequences as internal uterine bleeding and increased uterus tone. As a consequence, there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.

How to take sun baths during pregnancy

So, categorical contraindicationsAs to whether it is possible for pregnant women to sunbathe, not so much is being recruited. It is possible and necessary to be in the sun for a woman during the whole term, of course, provided that the recommendations of doctors are observed. First of all, expectant mothers are interested in the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe the pregnant belly? Women should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Reception of sunbathing in strictly defined timedays. The optimal time intervals are morning (up to ten hours) and evening hours (after five). Categorically contraindicated sunburn in the daytime, when the high sun is a special threat.
  2. Limitation of the time of exposure under direct sunlight. Observe the time interval not exceeding ten minutes of continuous tanning process.
  3. Choosing the right wardrobe for adoptionsunbaths covering the stomach. Avoid tight clothing that fits the figure. Be sure to wear a hat. For eye protection, use sunglasses.
  4. Application of special means for skin protectioncover. If you are planning to lie on the beach, do not forget to protect the skin from the aggressive effects of the sun. For this purpose, many special creams and oils have been developed. When choosing a protective cream, carefully study the composition and the degree of protection of the product. It must be at least 15 SPF. From oils for sunburn in general it is necessary to refuse. Delicate sensitive skin of a pregnant woman does not need special means to acquire the desired tan. But if you still buy suntan oil, completely eliminate the cosmetics containing essential oils of citrus, cinnamon, cedar, ginger or cumin. The etheric component of such agents can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of sunburn, allergic reactions or overheating of the body.
  5. Sufficient drinking water use. When in the sun, be sure to replenish the fluid in the body.
  6. Prevent overheating. In a hot time, alternate the process of tanning with the adoption of water procedures. And in especially hot periods, hide in the shade or expect a recession of heat in the premises.
can I sunbathe during pregnancy

Artificial sunburn

Can I get pregnant in a solarium? This is a rather popular question that worries future mothers. Opinions of specialists on this issue diverge.

It should be noted that specialStudies concerning the effect of UV lamps on the body of a pregnant woman have not been conducted. Therefore, when choosing alternative methods of obtaining a tan, it is preferable to rely on general recommendations. In addition, do not forget that every human body is individual in its development and perception of external environmental factors. What one person easily tolerates is completely unacceptable to another.

how to sunbathe pregnant women

Benefits of artificial sunburn

The advantages of ultraviolet tanning, obtained in a solarium, can be considered the following:

  1. Ограничение продолжительности пребывания под exposure to UV rays. This is especially important for women who are unable, as they say, to stop in time. Still, the probability of getting a sunburn in a solarium is much lower than being exposed to direct sunlight.
  2. Ultraviolet radiation from lamps helpscope with disease-causing bacteria, promotes faster healing of wounds on the skin. In addition, some women note a positive result in the fight against various kinds of inflammatory processes on the face skin, for example with acne and acne.
  3. Under the influence of UV radiation in the body is activeVitamin D is produced - an indispensable element that prevents the development of rickets and contributes to the strengthening of bone tissue not only of the future mother, but also of the child.
  4. In addition, the spectrum of UV rays of the solarium differs fromsuch a natural sunlight. Developers and manufacturers of artificial tanning equipment convince that the radiation of such lamps is less dangerous than direct sunlight, since it does not contain in its spectrum beta rays that have an undesirable effect on the human body.

Harm artificial sunburn

Несмотря на явные преимущества искусственного tanning, many experts are inclined to argue that such procedures can cause cancer. Therefore, women who are prone to the formation of tumors, or with an already diagnosed disease should not visit the solarium. In addition, according to many experts, the radiation of UV lamps of the solarium causes skin cancer. Is it really so difficult to say. Nevertheless, if the future mother has any inflammatory processes inside the body or on the skin, it is better to abstain from such procedures.

In addition, it is believed that the tanning bed at late pregnancy increases the risk of edema as a result of increased body temperature and lack of fluid in the body.

Pregnant on the beach


Можно ли загорать беременным на море и в солярии?It is impossible to answer unequivocally. Which of the types of sunburn is preferable, should be addressed taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body. The main thing is to obtain the approval of a specialist and to comply with all safety requirements. Then my mother will feel good, and the future child does not cause damage to the sun's rays.

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