In the depths of my soul, no one wants tohis birthday passed unnoticed for others. After all, for him this is a very important reason to stop and analyze the events of the past year, to think about them. If the boss has a holiday at work, then in any case you can not ignore it. We need to think in advance with colleagues how to congratulate the leader.
First of all, you need to determine the warehousecharacter of the chief. Congratulations to the director from the collective on his birthday must be carried out in accordance with his personal preferences. Do not make it a noisy company with balloons, if the leader is a serious and reserved person. In this case, it's better to hold everything officially: shake hands and give a quality written set.
And at the same time, a person who loves fun, is betterorganize a bright and solemn greeting. Suitable poems, a cake with candles that need to blow out, enthusiastic speeches about his loyal character and a postcard, made in a humorous style.
It is necessary to be guided by the fact that congratulationsthe director from the collective on his birthday should like and remember. It is necessary to think in advance about what to say to the boss: to choose warm and sincere words. Even if the leader is cheerful and easy to communicate with a person, you should never allow yourself to be familiar. You should always keep subordination.
The easiest way to buy a big postcard withprinted in her beautiful text and read his birthday with an expression. But it should be remembered that words written in beautiful handwriting are always much more appreciated. It is even better to make an oral congratulation to the director from the collective with his birthday impromptu. A gift card, regardless of the spoken text. It should be said about his professionalism, sensitivity and humanity.
It is best to present a gift based onspecificity of the activities of the head. If a person works in his office, it is worth considering the subject that decorates the interior. Congratulation to the director from the collective on his birthday is sure to please, if he will be thought out in advance and competently organized. For men, successful gifts are a barometer on the wall, a purse, a stylish pen. A woman will be pleased with the picture, an elegant vase or a tree in a pot.
The task is somewhat simplified if the supervisor isa person, keen on drawing, playing a musical instrument, collecting, culinary art, some kind of sport. In this case, congratulations to the director on his birthday from the team can be done solemnly handing him a gift book on the topic of interest, a set of natural brushes for drawing, anything from quality sports equipment.
Congratulate the leader at the beginning of the workday. In this case, one should not expect any indulgences, let alone hint about them. The head will necessarily let his employees go home early, if he considers it necessary to do so. Their duties are required to be carried out as usual, except with greater care and accuracy. It is better to show the leader that work is especially diligent in his birthday. After all, this is another secret, but very important and valuable gift to the director.
Congratulations on the birthday for the bossshould be literate, beautiful and sincere. It is important that a person has a pleasant feeling inside of the friendly atmosphere that reigns in the team. Do not forget that the manager is engaged in any business events, meetings and negotiations. Therefore, the head in any case will not leave indifferent, that the employees independently organized a neat and rather solemn congratulation.