/ / Church of St. Nicholas on the Three Hills: history and interesting facts

The Church of St. Nicholas on the Three Hills: history and interesting facts

This long-suffering church somehowsurprisingly located between three lanes: Novovogankovsky and two Trekhgorny. The church of St. Nicholas on the Three Mountains for many centuries of its history changed its name many times and was repeatedly rebuilt. In the chronicles of 1628 his progenitor, the Church of St. Nicholas in Psarya, is mentioned. This name she received because of the transfer here of the Tsar's Cavalry Court in the middle of the XVII century. This parish church community moved around the city many times, and, surprisingly, always carried a church, probably therefore for some time it was called "the temple of St. Nicholas on the chicken leg."

St. Nicholas Church on three mountains

Church of St. Nicholas on the Three Mountains

In 1695, the Psar's Court was located in the tractThree Mountains, behind an outpost called Trekhgorny. Originally it was a wooden temple, then in 1762-1775 he was rebuilt in stone in the village of Novoye Vagankovo ​​with three thrones. The main one - in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The Life-giving Spring", two limits - in honor of St. Nicholas and St. Demetrius of Rostov. Over time, its limits gradually expanded, and in 1860 a tall bell tower and a refectory were built, the area of ​​possessions increased more than twice.

The Church of St. Nicholas on the Three Mountains -an architectural monument of the XIX century and an object of cultural heritage. There is a very curious fact associated with this structure. It turns out that in the twenties of the twentieth century he served as regent of A.V. Alexandrov, who became the author of the anthem of the Soviet Union.

The parishioners of the church were ordinary people, peasants and workers, but there were also quite wealthy people, among them Prokhorov's manufacturers, who owned the Trekhgornaya Manufactory.

All extensions did not create a harmoniousarchitectural ensemble, so it was decided to rebuild completely and the church itself designed by the famous Russian architect G.A. Kaiser on the money of the wealthy merchants Kopeykin-Serebryakov, who lived in the parish church. On December 1, 1902, the renewed temple was consecrated. However, finally, all construction and finishing work was completed only by 1908.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

From the pernicious destruction of the church saved the sameworkers of the Trehgornaya Manufactory. In the most troubled and dangerous 1905 and 1917, they organized the protection of the cathedral, which was directly in the epicenter of all the revolutionary events taking place on Presnya. Thanks to this, the temple was not looted and destroyed.

However, in the early 20-ies the church did notIt was possible, at first it was ruined, and then completely closed. In 1929, it was rebuilt, the dome and bell tower were destroyed. The new government placed the club there, and a little later the house of the pioneers them. Pavlik Morozov. Lane, which was called Nikolsky, also began to bear the name of the hero pioneer.

The long-awaited thaw

And now, in our time after the collapse of the USSR, the Moscow government signed an order to return the building with the adjacent territory to the possession of the ROC.

The Church of St. Nicholas on the Three Hills wasimmediately undergoing a major restoration and restored in its original beauty. Today it works, even a biblical college, a Sunday school, a club for the reconstruction of medieval folk cultures are open.

Visit this temple can be at: Moscow, Novovagankovsky Lane, house 9, building. 1. The rector is now Archpriest Dmitry Roshchin, who was appointed on February 11, 2016.

moscow novovagankovsky lane house 9

Schedule of services

In the morning the liturgy began at 8.00 (Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays). In the great holidays and on Sundays - the beginning at 9.00. On the eve of 5 pm - Vespers. At 18.00 on Wednesdays the Akathist of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. At 8.00 on Sundays - a prayer service and water is consecrated.

The remembrance of St. Nicholas takes place at the present time: on September 11 - Christmas of the saint, on May 22 - the day of the transfer of his honest relics, December 19 - the feast of the celebration of St. Nicholas.

The temple also has its own shrines.It is a casket with the relics of St. Nicholas Mir of Lycia (for worship it is taken out of the altar only on Sunday liturgies), and also the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, the icon of St. Nicholas with relics and an ark with relics of St. Demetrius of Rostov.

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