The Russian Orthodox Church is different from otherOrthodox churches, among other things, the system of organizing their dioceses - church administrative units, similar to those in secular law. This state of affairs is conditioned by the special historical and political conditions of Russia, which affected the spread and development of Christianity in it.
So, for example, if in the jurisdictions of the Greektradition the title of metropolitan has an ordinary bishop, who heads an independent diocese, then in the practice of the Russian church the status of a metropolitan is given either as a reward or by default belongs to the bishop of a particularly large and important regional church association. Such metropolias often include a number of smaller dioceses with their own bishops. Above the metropolitan in the hierarchy of the Russian church stands only the patriarch, while in the Greek church all jurisdiction is ruled by the archbishop (sometimes also in the status of metropolitan). In the ROC there are a lot of archbishops, and they make up only the middle link of the episcopate.
In this article we are interested in the Tula Metropolitanate. Therefore, all this was said in order to clarify the current status of this subject of the Moscow Patriarchate.
When the Tula Metropolitanate, or rather the city of Tula,became part of the Russian state - is for certain unknown. The first mention of the city is found in the Nikon Chronicle and refers to 1147, to the record of the trip of Prince Svyatoslav to Ryazan. Therefore, it is believed that initially Tula was part of the Ryazan region. On the basis of the same document, for lack of other, earlier information, the time of foundation of Tula is officially considered to be 1147.
On the territory of this region since ancient times livedFinno-Ugric tribes, which were later ousted, and partly assimilated, Slavic-Vyatichi, grafted from the Polyan tribes and settled the surrounding forests.
Most likely, while following Svyatoslav inRyazan Tula was already Christianized, and maybe, at all, was originally founded by Christians. According to most researchers, a full-fledged systematic preaching of Orthodoxy among Vyatichi began in the twelfth century. Before that, of course, Vyatichi faced Christianity in the person of Russian princes. However, they retained their political independence from them, preferring to pay off tribute. As a consequence, the Vyatichi retained their pagan identification for a relatively long time. The active preaching of Christianity among the Vyatichi population began after their conquest by Chernigov princes in the late eleventh century. It was not always peaceful. For example, in nearby Mtsensk (now belonging to the Orel region) Vyatich pagans resisted evangelism until the fifteenth century, until finally they were broken by the troops of Prince Vasily Dmitrievich, specially sent on a campaign with "missionary" purposes.
As the city center of Tula developed veryslow. This was due to the geographical position, which, on the one hand, localized the settlement in the middle of the woods, and on the other, it was unsafe in the event of hostilities. It so happened that Tula assumed the first strikes of the Tatars and other enemies of Russia from the east, which is why it did not have the opportunity for full development and increase in population. Only since the seventeenth century, this city entered the era of relatively peaceful existence and began to gain weight. This led to the fact that at first Tula was assigned as a provincial city to the Moscow province, and then became the head city of the Tula province. By the end of the eighteenth century, the province was granted the status of an independent province. And its administrative center became the city of Tula.
As for church affairs, afterChristianization of the Vyatichi was subordinated to the Chernihiv bishops, who bore the title of Chernihiv and Ryazan. It was in dependence on the Ryazan pulpit that Tula was made. From the thirteenth century, a part of the cities of the region was also governed by the Sarai diocese (later transferred to the Moscow region and renamed Krutitsky). In the subsequent history of this region, its cities repeatedly passed from the subordination of some departments to others. The independent Tula eparchy was conceived only at the end of the seventeenth century by Patriarch Joachim. However, due to the Streletsky riot and the death of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich this was not allowed to happen.
In 1788, by decree of Catherine II, Tula shouldwas increased to the status of the second department as part of the Kolomna diocese. But the operational implementation of this order was hindered by military actions. Only in the reign of Emperor Paul, in 1799, did Tula finally acquire the status of a cathedral city in the newly formed Tula eparchy. In the future, it did not lose its independence, although its boundaries were modified.
As a result of the reorganization of the church administrationin 2011, according to the order of the Holy Synod, the Belevsky blessing was separated from the Tula eparchy into a separate bishop's department. Then both dioceses were united under the authority of a single metropolitan. Thus was formed the Tula metropolis.
At the moment, the church life of the areasupervised by the eminent Alexy (Kutepov). Formally, his status sounds like "Metropolitan of Tula and Efremov." In its jurisdiction is a seminary and theology department at the local state university.
Tula metropolis includes fivefunctioning monasteries - two male and three female. The role of the Cathedral is performed by the Church of All Saints. In addition to him, there are about thirty parishes in the region, which are united by the Tula metropolis. St. Vladimir's Church at Tulamashzavod is a vivid example of one of them.
The priests of the diocese teach in the lecture hallfor newlyweds at registry offices. The Orthodox website of the Tula Metropolis ( covers the events of the diocese in the Internet space. And in the church premises with the involvement of physicians and employees of the departments of civil registration there is a school of parents. Interaction with the society and various civil organizations is carried out through thirteen diocesan departments, which includes the Tula Metropolis. News, for example, is managed by the information department. Among other things, also of interest is the club of Orthodox writers "Spring", operating at the St. Sergius Church of the Tula Diocese.