Biblical subjects are not only interested inbelievers, but also those who need to know about the alternative course of events about the creation of the world and man. After all, the school tells the theory of Darwin on the origin of man, and how God created a woman and a man, often nothing is reported to schoolchildren. Only inquisitive boys and girls can learn about this from believing parents or from this article. So, today you will learn how God created a woman, and who was the first person on Earth. Two versions of the woman's origin are given in the article, one of them is official, the other is the legendary, mythological, but actively supported by the researchers of the text of the Bible.
Probably, there are no such people who would not have heard ofthat Adam and Eve were the first people on Earth. With them, both Paradise and the Fall are associated, they were the first people, and the first sinners. The Bible says that God created the first people in his image and likeness. But this does not mean that people necessarily resemble God in appearance. This means that a person possessed the mind, will, feelings, and also the desire for truth - as the churchmen say. First, Adam was created "from the dust of the earth", God breathed life into him. Adam settled in a wonderful garden called Eden, or Paradise. There, the first person had to take care of flowers and trees, take care of animals and birds, give them names.
Each animal had a pair, and Adam was alone then, and according to the Bible, he was sad from it. Then God decided to create a couple for the first person. Parable, how God created a woman, says thatThe Lord brought a deep sleep to Adam, took his rib from his chest, and made a woman out of him. Adam, waking up and finding his next couple, was very happy. He called her Eve, that is, "life." Further in the Bible it is said that the first man and woman loved and helped each other in everything.
So, how and why God created a woman, it became clear. However, there is an alternative version of the Biblical events.
In Genesis (the first book on the creation of the world)says that "God created man in his own image, in the image of God, created him; male and female, created them. " This equal position of women and men here many researchers interpreted this: Adam was not created alone, God immediately created him a wife, which the Bible does not mention later.
Strangely enough, this version is actively supportedby many. The first woman is called not Eve, but Lilith, created from the dust, like Adam. This version is included in many apocryphal (that is, not recognized by the official church) works. This is how God created the woman according to the unofficial version. And why then nothing is known about Lilit?
Legend has it that Lilith and Adam lived happily,until the woman wanted equality. She refused to obey her husband, and so Adam denied his first wife. Lilith flew away from Adam and became the wife of Satan. Three angels, sent by God, tried to bring her back to Eden, but she refused. Subsequently, Lilith became a demon, she frightened young children, according to legend.
And Adam, being unhappy and lonely, asked God to create for him a wife who would respect, appreciate and love him. Thus appeared Eve, no longer equal to Adam, but created from his rib.
According to the researchers, the legend of Lilithas the first woman on Earth - the truth. However, the official church is forced to hide this, since Lilith was not a model of humility and purity, which is expected from a Christian.
Now you know the two versions of how Godcreated a woman. Which of them give preference - choose yourself. And the fact that one of them is official, ecclesiastical, and the second - apocryphal, legendary - is a fact.
It is worth saying a few words about the fact that the imageLilit was used in art for many times because of her mystery and mystery. For example, in Goethe's Faust, Lilit is represented by Adam's first wife, a seductress who seduces:
Adam's first wife.
All of her toilet is made of braid.
Beware of her hair ...
In Russian poetry, you can also find the name Lilit, for example, in the poem "Eva and Lilith" N. Gumilev:
Lilith - unapproachable constellations crown,
In its countries, diamond suns are growing:
And Eve - and children, and a herd of sheep,
In the vegetable garden potatoes, and in the house coziness.
In painting, too, the image of Lilith occurs more than once: M.Yusin, Stanislav Krupp, Frank Obermeyer and many others use the legend to create their paintings dedicated to this female demoness.