/ / The Transfiguration Cathedral, Tambov: address, photo

Savior Transfiguration Cathedral, Tambov: address, photo

The beauty of Orthodox churches did not add upimmediately, they were erected for several years, and sometimes even decades. In most cases, they were wooden log houses, and only a long time later a stone church was constructed, withstood the vicissitudes of epochs and human imperfections, so is the Transfiguration Cathedral (Tambov).


In 1636, Tambov was not yet a city, but onlya place on the border of Ancient Rus, where for the protection of borders began to erect a fortress and with it a church. The church and bell tower were laid on April 17 and built very quickly, in three months. The building was made of thick logs, had two floors, consecrated the church in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord on the day of this feast - on August 6 (old style) in 1636. The exact place where the wooden church was located, now can not be found, you can only guess where it was located. Most likely, according to the researchers, it stood on the bank of the river Tsna, in the east of the place where the Transfiguration Cathedral (Tambov) now rises. At the time of construction, the church was necessary for the defenders of the city, a small flock, and was quite able to cope with the tasks of spiritual support for its parishioners. But the city grew rapidly, and the time changed too, a small church on the outskirts became too small.

Savior Transfiguration Cathedral Tambov


Forty years later, in 1677, Preobrazhenskayathe church received the title of the cathedral. It became the center of church life, people were drawn to the Transfiguration Cathedral (Tambov). The schedule of divine services has not changed, although joint services of several city churches were held. Supervised the affairs of the archpriest, who needed to receive visitors and subordinate clergy, collect duties. The entire staff consisted of an archpriest, deacon, sexton, sexton and two priests. The ministers lived near the cathedral in their own homes. When the cathedral was built prosfryanya.

Transfiguration Cathedral Tambov timetable

New life

When in 1682 was formed TambovDiocese, the cathedral was given the status of a cathedral and became the main temple of the city. The first bishop Leonty tried to bring the dilapidated building in order, but he managed only to equip the bell tower with a large bell weighing fifty poods. He did not have time to do anything else, since he was transferred to another duty station. A new life in the Transfiguration Cathedral of Tambov came with the second Bishop - Pitirim.

For some time, the new head of theSmolensk province, where to build temples of stone was already a tradition, and therefore St. Pitirim decided not to start the matter. Even before his arrival at the place of service in the Transfiguration Cathedral (Tambov), the new ruler made efforts to find funds for the maintenance and construction of the church. Having written several petitions of the reigning dynasty, he received additional parishes in subjection, a certain amount of land was settled by peasant families. By 1687, St. Pitirim ordered the inner life of the cathedral: everything necessary for a full-fledged bishopric was purchased, a sacristy appeared, and repairs were carried out. The Bishop built grandiose plans, which he embodied.

Transfiguration Cathedral Tambov Schedule of Divine Services

Stone temple of Bishop Pitirim

The construction of the stone church was conductednear the wooden church. In 1694 the works began. Over the warm summer months, the walls of the new structure rose to 14 meters. According to some evidence, a single-storeyed temple was originally conceived, but St. Pitirim changed his plan in favor of a two-story building after his illness in 1695. The necessary changes were made: additional windows were punched, vaults for the stairs were laid to the second floor, preparatory work was done to lay the heating of one of the floors. In the unfinished church, the Nikolsky side-chapel was consecrated. Unfortunately, Bishop Pitirim did not manage to complete the construction in full. He died on July 28, 1689 and was buried in the consecrated side-chapel of the cathedral.

Transfiguration Cathedral of Tambov

Decline and end of construction

После смерти епископа Питирима The Savior's Transfiguration Cathedral (Tambov) gradually declined. Completion of the second floor was only possible in 1738, but the material was a tree, not a stone. At the same time, the iconostasis was made of the simplest execution, without gilding, intended for the upper church. Appointed in 1758, Bishop Pachomius noted the deplorable state of the cathedral and even made an estimate for the restoration, but funds from the Synod were not allocated. The temple continued to deteriorate, by the 1980s the upper floor rested, threatening to collapse. Then it was decided to turn to the townspeople for help in rebuilding.

Местное купечество выделило средства, их хватило on partial restoration and cosmetic repair. In the future, the society repeatedly took part in the work on building the temple, finally the Transfiguration Cathedral in Tambov was completed in 1793.

Savior Transfiguration Cathedral Tambov address

Construction of the bell tower and restoration

While all the forces and attention were riveted to the cathedral,the bell tower of the temple was heavily worn out. Repair in it was not carried out from the moment of construction. It was possible to begin the erection of the stone structure in 1809. The foundation was laid in twenty meters from the cathedral, but the work was braked. There are no known reasons for the freezing of construction. The bell tower of the stone was completed only in 1817. Its main decoration was the bells, the largest weighed about 8 tons. According to the project it was supposed that the cathedral and bell tower would connect the covered gallery, but the lack of funds did not allow the idea to be realized.

During the same period in the cathedral on the second floordonations of parishioners was made and installed a new iconostasis, richly decorated with carvings and gilding. Over the next several decades, a church porch was added to the church, greatly altering the architecture of the building, the domes were installed, the gilding of dome crosses and stars adorned onions were made.

The Life of the Temple

In 1846, an active headman appeared in the temple,Gavriil Ivanovich Kazakov, who made a huge contribution to the improvement of the cathedral. Under his leadership, an obsolete and spoiled iconostasis was replaced in the upper church, the interior decoration of the temple underwent pleasant changes according to the then fashion. Also, plastering works were performed, murals with images of the Old and New Testaments appeared, window frames were replaced.

After this renaissance until 1914 in the cathedralno repair work was carried out, which had a sad effect on the state of construction. Local architects, having inspected the condition of the walls and foundations, noted the presence of cracks, in some places they were through, which caused rain and snow to fall into the inner rooms. Inside the cathedral walked drafts, and foundation stones sagged because of antiquity. There was no overhaul of the possibilities, but the cracks were closed, with small forces the foundation was reinforced, and the outer walls of the church were plastered. The works were completed in the summer of 1914.

Transfiguration Cathedral of Tambov Photo

The Soviet period and the revival

With the advent of Soviet power in Tambov,all temples were destroyed, only the Transfiguration Cathedral (Tambov) remained. The schedule of divine services was abolished, and the clergy was partially dissolved and partially repressed, the bell tower was destroyed. On the initiative of the staff of the museum of local lore in 1931, the temple was transferred to their jurisdiction. In the walls of the ancient temple there were changes: the frescoes were painted over, the partitions were mounted, and the expositions of the museum were exhibited. During the war, St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) supported the restoration of the church for worship services, but he was refused.

The situation has changed since 1989, when the countryPerestroika began. But the first Liturgy was held only in 1993, the museum staff released the first floor of the temple. At the same time they began to restore frescoes, domes, dreaming to revive in all eternity greatness the Transfiguration Cathedral of Tambov. The schedule of divine services took its place of honor, the parishioners were given the opportunity to touch the shrines again.

Transfiguration Cathedral Tambov Schedule of Divine Services


Today everyone can visitSavior Transfiguration Cathedral (Tambov). Photo of the temple demonstrates his majestic man-made beauty. The facade of the building is plastered and painted with light green paint, which advantageously emphasizes its weightlessness in the surrounding space. Gilded domes rush to the sky, glinting with sunlight. The whole face of the temple evokes a joyous sense of rebirth.

Communicate with the historical and spiritual relicsyou can at any time, it is only necessary to go to the Transfiguration Cathedral (Tambov). Address: Cathedral Square, 4. If there is no possibility or desire to attend the church service, then you should always admire the architecture of almost four hundred years old church. In the daytime he strikes with perfection of form, and the evening podstetka gives the building a solemn appearance.

Для паломников, прихожан и верующих всегда открыт way to the Transfiguration Cathedral (Tambov). The schedule of divine services has been consistently for many years and corresponds to the Orthodox tradition. Services in the temple are held daily. On weekdays, the morning worship begins at 07:30, and the evening time at 17:00. Sunday and holiday services are more intense: early morning services start at 07:00, late in the morning are held at 09:00, and evening starts at 17:00.

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