Издревле человечество обуяло неимоверная тяга к prediction of one's destiny. People tried to see the secret signs in everything, especially in their own dreams! They have analyzed dreams for centuries, as evidenced by numerous dream books of both old and new patterns. Here we are with you, dear friends, we will not deviate from this tradition and find out what it is that dreams of kissing a man!
First of all, we note that the unanimity of the dreamers inIn this case it is not necessary to observe. Alas, but this is a fairly common phenomenon: some of them predict happiness, and others - failures. To whom and what to believe - it is purely individual. We will try to provide you with the information in the most detailed form.

Why dream of kissing a man? Sonnik Miller
- If you kiss your beloved man in the dark, be a danger or a dissolute life!
- Kissing with a married guy? In reality you are able to commit any immoral and immoral acts!
- Kissing with your beloved guy during the day says that you are with all the nobility of the opposite sex and are not going to change their attitude towards this.

Freudian interpretation of sleep
- Kissing with the man who is associated inyour dream with a woman - to the fact that you are a latent lesbian in reality. You want to try sex with a girl, but you try to drive these thoughts away from yourself! Do not be afraid of your desires, enjoy life to the fullest!
- If you kiss an unfamiliar guy, the vision speaks of your lasciviousness, lightheadedness, immoral behavior. This is the most transparent dream.
- Kissing with a beloved man in a dream - to get acquainted with an attractive gentleman, whose whole essence is a lie, cunning. Perhaps you will fall into the hands of Alfonso.
- Watching how someone kisses? In reality you can be dragged into a dangerous adventure! Be carefull!
Why dream about kissing a man, according to Hosse's dream book?
- If this man is your own brother, be fun, a holiday and a pleasant meeting in the circle of familiar people!
- Kiss your husband? So that's great! Sleep promises you a long and happy life. Harmony, peace and peace will reign in your home.
- Kissing with a man in the daylight - to sincere feelings, strong relationships. Soon you will meet a worthy gentleman and find with him a joint happiness.
- Kissing with a guy in the dark - to shame, vice, treason.

Why dream of kissing a man? Sonny Longue
- If your kisses with a guy in a dream are passionate,hot and exciting, in reality the probability of quarrels with relatives, arisen because of banal misunderstandings, is great. This will worsen your relations with them until their complete cessation.
- If you dream, as you kiss a man from your real life, you will be disappointed in him.
- See that you kiss someone who is not clear?If this is an approximate image of a woman, your girlfriend wakes up intrigues against you; men - possible complication of relations with the authorities; child - to slander and deceit. If you kiss the animal - to an unjustified risk on your part.