Truly rich in the holy ancient monasteries and templesthe golden-domed capital of Moscow. One of such historical monuments that decorate it is the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in Gonchar. The address points exactly to this historical district of Taganka, or rather to Goncharnaya Street, 29. This Orthodox church of the Moscow city diocese of Pokrovsky deanery belongs to the Chapel of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. The throne of the church was created and consecrated in honor of the great feast of the Assumption of the Virgin, and the chapel in memory of St. Tikhon of Amafunt.
Big Tagansky hill is one of the oldestMoscow districts, which began to be inhabited in the XV-XVI centuries, and all thanks to artisans who were evicted from the city because of their flammable craft (most of them were potters and smiths). First in the XVII century in the village of potters was built wooden Uspensky temple, which is located beyond the river Yauza.
The so-called Zayauzie from the east was fortifiedEarth Shaft. The first and only gate was on Taganskaya Square, so this place became one of the most crowded in Moscow. Very convenient and compact here are the palace handicraft settlements, each of which built its own temple. For the same reason, next to the Assumption Church there was also the Nikolsky monastery, dated 1632.
Local potters in 1654 decided to rebuildshrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. The temple in Goncharov was stone, but so far single-altar. Then in 1702 it was again rebuilt, then there was a refectory with the chapel of Tikhon - bishop of Amafutinsky. The construction of the temple did not stop and in the period from 1764 to 1774 years. At this time, to the architectural ensemble was added a three-tiered bell tower, made in the style of post-Petrine Baroque. The temple turned out to be small, but very nice and cozy. Significant was also the fact that his decorations were handled by Polubets Stepan - a rare tiled case master. He lived at that time in the same Goncharnaya Sloboda near the temple. In the same place was located and his workshop, it was in it he made the panels and friezes.
The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in Gonchar inMoscow has now preserved all this unique beauty. Of particular interest is the head of the chapel in honor of St. Tikhon Amafuntsky. It is here that one of the favorite stories of Polubes is placed - a panel depicting four evangelists.
What else can you say about the monasteryAssumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary? The temple in Goncharov has the most important shrine - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which is called the Three-Handed Gathering. This name she received in honor of the memory of an amazing event - the healing of the Holy Mother of God St. John Damascene, which cut off his hand. In Russia this icon is revered for a very long time, and there are many lists of the original image, but some of them are also miraculous.
In 1661, from the Hilendar Athos Monasterya sacred gift to the Russian Patriarch Nikon was sent one of such lists, which was put in the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery in 1963 on Istra in the Moscow region.
In 1716 with this icon of the Mother of GodThe trooper was again removed from the list, which from the very moment of its appearance was placed in the Assumption Church. Until now, there is an opinion that it was thanks to the intercession of the great shrine that the Assumption Church was never closed, even at crucial times of Russian history. Until now, preserved all of his bells.
Today, in order for people to have easy access to the icon, on the outer wall on the western side of the temple there is another list of the shrine in the tiled Kyoto.
Be that as it may, Napoleon's troops in 1812year nevertheless walked on the temple of the Assumption and carried out from it everything that could be, and the courtyards of the parish were burned. Only by 1836 it was partially restored and rebuilt, new constructions, heads and crosses appeared, the southern portal was adhered to the bell tower. Until now, preserved fence, dating from the beginning of the XIX century. However, in 1898 the architect of the church, L. O. Vasiliev, was engaged in the reconstruction of the church. A unique iconostasis, decorated in the style of the XVII century, consists of very ancient icons of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Under the Soviet regime, in some surprising way, the church survived.
In 1948, under the contract of the Orthodox Russian and Bulgarian Churches, as a lively connection between two native churches, the Compound of the Bulgarian HRC was created in the church.
This is the story of the abode of the Assumption of the BlessedThe Virgin is a temple in Gonchar. You can add that in 2015 the abbot of the temple Archimandrite Feoktist said that the Moscow parishioners of the Bulgarians here are few, most of them mostly live in the district of the street. Red Poppy, where a new church was built in honor of St. Cyprian. Therefore, the bulk of visitors to this temple are Russian.