How is characterized by professional astrologerszodiac sign Sagittarius? A man born under this constellation is emotional, active and often hot-tempered. He enthusiastically and with interest takes on new beginnings, is not afraid to put experiments on his life. These men prefer girls who will easily follow them to the ends of the world, share their hobbies and go on a joint trip. At any age, Sagittarians are young at heart, temperamental and energetic.
Highly appreciates his freedom sign of the zodiac Sagittarius.A man tries not to burden himself with marriage for as long as possible. They consider independence to be the highest of values. The road and loved by them will be that girl who will not encroach on their freedom and personal space. Even the promises and treaties consider Sagittarius unpleasant and unacceptable for themselves. Not surprisingly, among adults and self-sufficient men born under this sign, many hardened bachelors and divorced. As a rule, women are deterred by the similar behavior of these men, but if you are really dear and close to Sagittarius, then accept it as it is, you will not be able to change its character anyway.
Zodiac sign. Sagittarius is a man. Compatibility
Sagittarius. Zodiac sign. Man
Characteristic of the strong half of humanity is notcan be full without mentioning the sexual temperament. These men adore sex in all its manifestations. They are insatiable and energetic. Many of them are polygamous, and if you are willing to tolerate and accept treachery, then your union will be long-lasting and lasting. There is no point in being jealous of the Sagittarius man, because for him, sex is nothing more than a pleasant satisfaction of physiological needs.