The Aries girl has no lack of admirers.Bright, bold and desperate, she is an ideal for many men who fall at her feet with piles. It seems that you will not be surprised at anything, but then a charming Cancer appears on the stage, who knows how to produce a mysterious, almost mystical effect on women. He himself is not deprived of women's attention, but here he is challenged by inaccessibility and fervor. What this union says the zodiac compatibility of Cancer and Aries in love, this article will tell. The love story will be analyzed from beginning to end.
Compatibility of Cancer and Aries in love: the beginning of relations
The first feelings of this couple are characterized byfurious passion and desperate deeds. They do not leave the house for months, indulging in only loving pleasures and enjoying each other's company. So, compatibility of signs of the zodiac Cancer - Aries in the sexual plan in the first time is excellent. Idyll will not last long, because the difference in the characters will make itself felt at any convenient opportunity. Passionate lady Aries with every conflict will wave her hands, scream and beat the dishes, which, of course, will lead the man-Cancer into confusion. In fact, it can be deeply wounded by words spoken by a harsh woman in a fit of feelings. What to do, because he always dreamed of a homely, obedient and feminine girl? To the tales are not a lie, many astrologers advise the couple to run away when the first conflict occurs, so as not to spoil the pleasant memories. The idealists, on the other hand, advise Cancer and Aries to find a compromise and temper the ardor of quarrels, directing all passion to love relationships.
This surprises do not end there.The next hindrance for the happiness of this couple is male jealousy. Cancers are very jealous men. They seek to literally enslave their second half, deprive it of its independence and make it their property. Free lady-Aries does not agree to be a gray mouse. She does not understand the claims that Cancer constantly presents to her, you can even say that she is offended by the partner's distrust.
Cancer and Aries Compatibility in Love: Sexual Relationships
As mentioned above, in the intimate senseat first these two signs completely satisfy each other. But after they get drunk with their passion, they begin to look through the differences of temperaments of such personalities as the guy-Cancer, the girl-Aries. Their compatibility in sexual terms is not entirely harmonious. Yet Cancer is a female sign, and it is possible that such a man will begin to give slackness, show passivity. At the same time, Aries is courageous. This can manifest itself in the domination of women in an intimate sense. This rearrangement of roles will not be much for the soul. A reasonable compromise and an infinite understanding of the partner are also important here. If desired, all the shortcomings can be turned into virtues, and then the union of Aries and Cancer will be ideal from all points of view.