Color dreams are not always good.Dreamed me somehow the other day, that I was bitten by a snake in a dream. Unpleasant sediment remained for the whole day. Throwing through a lot of very different dream books, an unequivocal answer to what the snake that bites is dreaming of, has not found.
The snake is a very complex symbol.On the one hand, the image of a snake is almost always associated with crookedness and hypocrisy. It is no accident that the serpent-tempter appears in the Bible. In folklore, the image of a snake is mentioned in the form of the Snake of Gorynych. A lot of known word combinations used in everyday life characterize the snake not from the best side: a green snake (alcoholism or drunkenness), a serpentine serpent personifies meanness in its most insidious manifestation (warm snake on the chest, snake tongue, etc.). And such scary words, like hammering or hanging, also come from the snake, or rather from the boa constrictor - the symbol of the devil and temptation. The snake is almost always associated with evil, cunning, cunning and enemies. In a word, nothing good.
And on the other hand, the image of the snake can alsosymbolize wisdom, tranquility and, surprisingly, a new life. Sometimes a snake associates with a woman. From the earliest times people were fascinated by the ability of the snake to shed or get rid of the old skin. It was believed that the snake is the only creature on earth who knows the secret of longevity and eternal youth. There are people who are still sure today that a decoction of the snake skin found will give them and their loved ones a future without diseases and ills.
Unambiguous definition or interpretation of the situation,when I was bitten by a snake in a dream, I could not find it. Many dream books say that the dreamed snake warns of future troubles. Snake wrigglers most often talk about some scruples of conscience or struggle, perhaps even for existence. Attacking snakes in a dream can mean that you have to defend yourself against evil attacks of envious persons and enemies on you. To protect honor and dignity will have to put a lot of effort. If you snake bites in a dream, then this may mean that in the near future you may suffer from evil rumors or gossip. Favorably the situation will be resolved, if in a dream you kill a snake. This can mean victory in the fight against envious people and gossip. According to Vanga's dream book, the snake's bite can symbolize frustration in the person who is dear to you. And we are talking about the fact that he turned to the forces of black magic to make your life unhappy.
But it is possible and completely different interpretationThe situation when in a dream the snake bit. Many psychoanalysts associate a snake with sexuality. Freud and classical psychotherapists in the sign-like image of the snake viewed the phallus, the fear of intimacy. Therefore, the snake's bite in a dream can be regarded as a sexual act that causes a woman to feel shame. Perhaps, such a dream can become a harbinger of an unforgettable sexual encounter.
If in your life there are diseases, then biting insnake snake can mean healing. Asian and North American peoples have for centuries perceived the snake as a symbol of wisdom, tranquility and healing. Therefore, according to the dreams of these cultures, the snake biting in a dream gives healing to the needy. This can be regarded as an opportunity to solve existing problems with health and property.
As you can see from all of the above, if you area snake has bitten a snake - this does not mean the immediate display of treachery by your envious persons. It all depends on your own mood. What do you want to see in this very serpent: the intrigues of envious people, sexuality or wisdom.
At first I took the snake's sting in my sleepOnly as a harbinger of inevitable troubles, cunning of friends and gossip of ill-wishers. Pokyvla has some more information, and I was inspired by the wisdom of the Asian peoples. In the end, after reflecting, I realized that the snake in the dream was not so terrible and bit me at all not painfully, and so it did not bode well for me. Have I become wiser from the snake bite - a mystery, but I'm not afraid of snake bites in my sleep.