Many words are spoken about astrology.There are skeptics, there are supporters. One is true that the sign under which man was born undoubtedly leaves its imprint on his inclinations, character, relations with other people. Sometimes representatives of the same sign do not suit each other at all, and on closer examination it becomes clear that this is an ideal pair. This characteristic refers to the marriage and compatibility of the signs of the zodiac Capricorn and Capricorn.
Two pragmatists, absolutely mundane people,Practical, most likely, engaged in the calculation, over the years, more and more are attached to each other. Two single-minded people go on life side by side as partners. At the same time, none of them should press on their second half, try to re-educate. This sign is unlikely to accept change. Capricorn considers his own foundations to be something self-evident. Their union is a support and a reliable rear in any life situation, first of all for them.
Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac Capricorn and Capricorn inmarriage, especially in the young years, looks boring and uninteresting, based such an alliance on mutual understanding and trust. If you look from the side, there is not even a hint of at least some romance in it. In fact, marriage is based on the principles of equality, two persons within the family complement each other. And over the years the compatibility of the zodiac signs Capricorn and Capricorn not only deepens, but also become brighter and more colorful.
The difference between this marriage and others is thatboth partners defend their territory. Spouses prefer to discuss the problems that arise between themselves, without taking dirty linen from the hut, even the closest ones do not always know what is happening in their family. Lovely, intelligent people, representatives of this sign are afraid to show slack in public, to burst into tears and admit that they have committed a blunder. On the contrary, in case of any trouble, they try to "keep the face". Compatibility of the zodiac signs Capricorn and Capricorn are so balanced that they never scandal among themselves, but if there is an exit of emotions and someone witnessed this, then the representatives of this sign begin to eat inside and to reproach, pity and sympathy for to themselves is unacceptable to them.
Colleague - Capricorn
The sign of the zodiac compatibility with the collective hasideal, easily take on someone else's responsibilities, but as a boss will require a lot. Colleagues standing higher on one level in the career ladder in relation to the representative of this sign, will be afraid that he will be able to bypass them or replace them in the workplace. Possessing talents predetermined by the stars, he achieves much, but, having achieved the desired, he quickly cools. In this case, the discipline of Capricorn will make him do monotonous work, but not get moral satisfaction. As an employee, he can be held back by a financial issue, which is a priority for this sign.
Capricorn and other signs of the zodiac
Capricorn male compatibility withrepresentatives of other signs is ambiguous. He leads an indiscriminate sex life. First of all, he thinks about himself in sexual relations, but at the same time his endurance allows him to wait for the climax of his partner. Marries the calculation, preferring love in comfort, rather than in a hut.
But the female Capricorn, by contrast, in a sexualthe plan seems cold and enslaved. But if she starts to trust you, relax and forget all the foundations that have been laid down in her head since childhood, you will get an incomparable pleasure from this sexual connection. It will be completely in your power. This in representatives of this sign can occur even after long years of living together with a partner. From casual communication, she will not enjoy, a man should try very hard to win the confidence of a Capricorn woman.