As the Frenchwoman Francoise Quare put it, all marriages are successful, but in a joint life difficulties begin.
Agree that this is so.Marriage without problems is nonsense. The difficulty, leading to a strong confrontation, can become an ordinary tube with toothpaste, which one of the partners stubbornly forgets to tighten the cap.
What will the horoscope say?
But the zodiac horoscope is able to tell aboutupcoming tests that await the couple. For this you need to know under what signs the lovers are born. Let's find out what is said here about the compatibility of the Aries man and the Libra woman. But first let's talk about their characters and customs.
Aries Male
Strong and domineering nature, for which the greatestthe value lies in seducing a woman. In his charms he is capable of tricks and even of deceit and deceit, pushing the closeness to the second plan. In bed can be rude. Waits for a woman of constant admiration. Sometimes it is mild, which turns the relationship into a real torture for a partner. Already after this brief characteristic of the relation of a fiery sign to love, is it worth talking about the compatibility of the Aries and the Libra women-the nature of the island, seeking peace?
Reasonable and consistent.In sex, she finds only physical satisfaction, she does not include him in the category of higher sensual pleasures. He does not show any initiative in love games. In a pair with a weak partner will become the mistress of the situation. Nobody will get the fullness of intimacy with her. When a woman-Libra is sure that she is loved, she is transformed - it becomes cheerful, charming. In marriage, sexual behavior changes to the conscious and interested. For her, "the two look in the same direction, and not against each other" - this is the love and compatibility of the Aries and the Libra women. These signs are opposite in temperament, in their views on the sexual side of the marriage, yet they are happy together.
Here's what you can learn about the compatibility of the Aries and Libra women from the compatibility horoscope.
For a man born under the sign of Aries, it is difficultwithout any conventionalities to find the perfect mate for family life. His violent temperament and powerful sexual desire Aries attracts many signs of the zodiac. As a rule, the initial impulse for developing relations with them will be mutual passion, with the extinction of which the partner is expected to experience, disagreements in daily life, complexities and conflicts. If a woman obeys, follows whims, creates for the partner confidence and comfort in a family union, the marriage will be strong. A good family man and a wonderful sexual partner - this is capable of a man-Aries.
A female scales - compatibility with Gemini, Lion, Aquarius and Libra
Good relationship with the above signsare explained by the similarity of characters, a wonderful complement to each other. Complicated relationships are observed with practical Taurus, gullible Cancer, conservative Virgo, jealous Scorpio, independent Sagittarius, Capricorn-materialist, with sensitive Pisces (with the latter particularly low compatibility). Woman Libra and Aries will be happy on the basis of the harmony of sexual relations, but quarrels are unavoidable, a long connection is unlikely.