/ / Dream Interpreter. Crocodile. What is really waiting for?

Dream Interpreter. Crocodile. What is really waiting for?

Since ancient times people have been interested in the meaningdreaming. Dreams played an important role in the life of famous historical figures. Writers drew their inspiration in their dreams. The table of chemical elements, as everyone knows, also came in a dream to the great scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev.

The mystery of dreams is still unsolved.Neither scientists, nor psychologists, nor psychiatrists can explain the nature of their appearance, let alone the meaning. But over time, there were dream books, which surprisingly fairly clearly reveal the content of dreams. It's time to move from the general to the private. Let's look at an example of sleep and how to decipher it.

You wake up and clearly remember that to you allthe crocodile was dreaming all night long. He is somewhere nearby, then in the distance, but he was always nearby. What's this for? We get a dream book. Crocodile with the letter "K", we find and read. This is a dream-warning. Prepare to betray your closest friends and unexpected attacks of enemies. Even worse will be the case if you step on the back of a predator. To get out of the "black" band in real life will require incredible concentration and stamina. Try after such a dream with no one to share their experiences, even with the closest.

But there is a downside to the coin, as thedream book. To kill a crocodile is to avoid betrayal and all of the above. This interpretation by Gustav Miller. There is also another interpretation given by the General Dream Book - the crocodile portends a meeting with a rich or provided adorer (adore). But if you dream of hunting an alligator in a dream, you should expect great trouble soon. Approximately, too, entered and Tsvetkov in his dream book: "Crocodile - the herald of the rich groom."

There is no continuation, and here it remains to be wondered whethercrocodiles only to be removed by women, or Eugene Petrovich decided that men do not care about the meaning of dreams. Although he could build on the statistics and acted for the benefit of the majority. After all, every morning one of the two women in the world turns to the dream book, while the men are one of twenty. And here is 50% versus 5%! But this is a separate topic, but what else is predicted by this not the prettiest beast that comes in dreams? If you read a dream book (the interpretation of dreams), the crocodile can represent not only dangers and troubles, but also symbolize the changes in the weather. I will list the most famous sources.

Michel Nostradamus introduced the following into his dream book:"A crocodile devouring an egg brings a drought and a decline in yield." Also it is worth to clarify that the crocodile in the terrarium foreshadows interesting news. Not necessarily bad, but just an interesting notice.

The prediction of Wang introduced anotherinterpretation and that's what her dream book says: "A crocodile in a zoo is dreaming of people who are ready for anything for the sake of power." Most likely, seeing in crocodiles is a normal phenomenon for careerists who do not care, by and large, friends around or enemies. The main feature of such people is self-centeredness in a duet with selfishness.

Get an interpretation of this dream also on the InternetIt will be easier if you enter more than one word, but several. For example: "dream book, interpretation of dreams - a crocodile". You will only have to choose a reliable source. To date, it is the dream book of Miller.

From all that has been said, only onea moment that contains literally every dream book. Kill a crocodile in a dream - well, but if he attacked, then it's time to wait for trouble. In order not to worry about tomorrow, just sort out those people who surround you. The usual people have few enemies, but there are enough unreliable friends. But such people can fail at any, even at the most inopportune moment. Why should they hope for them again? Believe, they can betray even when anxious dreams are not dreamed. Sleep peacefully and more defeated you predators.

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