/ / Dream Interpretation: Why Dreams of Cottage Cheese

Dream Interpretation: What's Dreaming about Cottage Cheese

We all know about the benefits of such a dairy product,as cottage cheese. Since childhood, we eat it both in the usual form, and as a filling for pies, vareniki or other dishes. But what if this product we loved was dreamed of in night dreams? What can this vision indicate? We suggest together to understand what the cottage cheese is dreaming about. To do this, we turn to the help of several of the most complete and trustworthy collections of interpretations available today.

what does the cottage cheese dream about

Modern dream book

What does the cottage cheese dream about, according to the creatorsthis collection? So, if at night you saw this product, then in the near future you expect a variety of fun and fun entertainment. A dream in which you with pleasure eat sweet cottage cheese, promises a speedy meeting with close relatives. To make dumplings stuffed with this dairy product - to achieve financial success through hard work. But the sour cottage cheese, privided in night dreams, warns about the need to take a closer look at your own health. Perhaps it makes sense to undergo a medical examination.

what does the cottage cheese dream about

Culinary Dream Book

Cottage cheese dreams, according to the authors of thissource, on the eve of an exciting walk or a fun picnic in the bosom of nature. Also, after such a vision, luck will accompany you if you go fishing or hunting.

Wizard of the White Magician

Why dream of cottage cheese, which you do yourself?If you imagined such an action, then in real life you practically do not allow blunders and the slightest miscalculations, so that you are not burdened by a load of perfect mistakes. You can be called a right person, which has absolutely nothing to blame. But at the same time you are too pedantic and boring. You can be compared with fine-grained curd - it is as useful and in all respects correct. If you dream that you are eating this dairy product, then in reality you always prefer food that is healthy and not tasty. This is definitely very good for health. However, the constant rejection of goodies can develop badly on your mood and mental state. Therefore, there will be no harm, if sometimes you will indulge yourself with delicacies.

what is dreamed of with sour cream and cottage cheese

Сонник XXI века

This source, like some others,considers the dreamed cottage cheese as a harbinger of an early meeting with close people or relatives. There is another interpretation of such a vision. So, if you dreamed of cottage cheese, then your health is all right. However, do not forget about a healthy and active lifestyle and proper nutrition, because the best prevention of ailments is simply not found.

dream book curd

Collection of tips received in a dream

We will explain how the authors of this source answerinterpretations on the question of what dreams cottage cheese. So, according to the compilers of the collection, this product is a symbol of the upcoming affliction. If the cottage cheese in your dream is fresh and pleasant looking, then it can be an easy malaise. If you see a foul product that exudes an unpleasant smell, then the danger is more serious. So, you may be threatened with problems in business, which can adversely affect your financial well-being, and worsen your health. Often, such dreams are seen as a warning to the sleeper about the fact that it is not necessary to leave everything on its own. Do not ignore even the minor problems, but try to solve them as they arrive. In this case, you can avoid more serious difficulties.

And why dream about sour cream and cottage cheese?Sour cream is a symbol of good health and well-being. Thus, such a dream indicates that in the near future you will not face any serious trouble, but things will go well. But to eat sour cream - to the need to attend to their own weight. If you have extra pounds, then to avoid the development of health problems, you should try to bring the figure in order.

Why dream of buying cheese?Such a night vision can be a harbinger of the fact that soon you will have to seriously invest in some unforeseen expenses related to the house. If the bought cottage cheese in a dream looked fresh and appetizing, then the expenses incurred will turn to you for good.

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