/ / Demon Buer: description, image

Demon Buer: description, image

Man has always been attracted to the unknown, dangerous andforbidden. The history for centuries accumulated folios, containing secret knowledge, capable of ruining an unwary applicant. Seeking to know the essence of the immortal soul, people sought not only God, but also those who live in the dark part of the universe. The daredevils never frightened the consequences, and warnings that, crossing the line, one can no longer return to the old life, only stimulated curiosity. Research in this area led to the writing of treatises on creatures bearing the name "demon". Buer, Beelzebub, Abbadon, Belphegor - medieval literature has 72 mystical beings, playing an important role in alchemy and magic.

What does the term "demon" mean?

Demon - a collective image of mystical creaturesor spirits. If we compare them with the gods, the demons occupy the lowest position. According to ancient concepts, they can be not only bad, but also good.

demon buer

In ancient Greek literature there was a notion"Daimon." In Roman culture, it meant "genius", in Christianity - "angel." In the period of early antiquity, it is not always possible to trace differences between the "Daimons" and "gods", as well as there was no direct connection only with the side of light or evil. People believed that they could have absolutely any nature, sometimes they did not belong to any of the forces at all, that is, to do equally evil and good deeds.

In Christianity, the term "demon" very soonchanged and became synonymous with the word "demon". Demons called pagan gods and evil spirits. Later this word was called the fallen angels, after which the term "demon" began to mean exclusively evil servants of Satan.


Demonology is the common name of all myths andtales of demons existing among different peoples. The term is used in a similar way to other areas in science. The main branch of demonology is connected with the study of demons, the characteristics of their behavior, the description of the ritual on the call of one or another creature, instructions for dealing with demons, subjugation of these beings and control over their forces. Buer, the mythical demon, is also an object of study.

buoy demon

Demonology is the constant companion of manyreligious or mystical traditions, despite the fact that the teachings of traditional religion suggest a negative attitude to science and to the objects of its study. The term takes place not only in the occult, but also in scientific and historical publications, where it is widely used.

"The Lesser Key of Solomon"

"The Small Key of Solomon" - almost the mostknown folio, containing detailed information about the demons of Goetia, as well as demonology. It consists of five parts, the most famous of which is Goetia, contains knowledge about such creatures as the demon Buer, as well as other similar creatures. The book includes instructions for calling a demon, its submission in case of disobedience.

buer mythical demon

Buer - Demon 10 Legion

Treatises tell of him as the greatestthe commander of the hellish troops, who in his submission had fifty legions of demons and lower spirits. His appearance is marked by the emergence of the heavenly body in the position of Sagittarius. Demon Buer teaches philosophy, helps to master the logic, understand the positive effects of medicinal herbs on the human body. To the ugliness is vindictive and dirty in expressions. Accompanies the achievement of material prosperity. Buer is a demon, flashing in sufficient numbers on the pages of Weier's "Hierarchy of Demons." He also occurs in her offshoots.

Buer (demon): photo, description of appearance

Initially, Buer was described as Sagittarius,A large centaur with a bow and quiver full of arrows. Later, Louis Breton became the author of the illustration of the demon, which was subsequently engraved by M. Gerrol. She was depicted Buer with a lion's head and five horse legs, surrounding the body, turning it into a kind of wheel, so that the demon could move in any chosen direction. If the magician who wants him wishes, the demon Buer can change the face of the monster to an asexual man who has no eyes.

Boer demon Photo


"Goetia" (from Ancient Greek:magic, magic, capable of causing harm) contains a detailed description of all seventy-two spirits, their appearance, which the impure take before the sorcerer who summoned them. Also described are the beneficial properties of the creatures that are most likely to be useful to the magician, the supernatural forces under their control, as well as the title and position. In this chapter, detailed descriptions are given of the correct call of marked demons, advice, following which the sorcerer will be able to subordinate the spirit to his will, if he refuses to do it himself.

demon ten legion

The content of Goetia closely resemblesa kind of catalog of spirits, also found as an appendix in the treatise "On the deception of demons" by Weier. The author of the work indicates a completely different manuscript as a source of information. The order in which the demons in "Goetia" are described differs significantly from the order that Veyer constructed. In addition, the content of Goetia was supplemented by such creatures as Dantalion, Vassago, Andromalis and Siir. The ritual of summoning the demon in the chapter "The Lesser Key of Solomon" became much more complicated than the rituals described in Weyer's book, and the information about the beings was supplemented by drawings of their seals, called "sigils" in another way. For the first time, the world saw the full edition of Goetia in 1904 thanks to the efforts of Macgregor M. and Alister K. In the course of time, the title of this chapter began to refer to all magical traditions of the Middle Ages associated with the summoning of demons and the compilation of talismans.

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