In this connection, the year of the Dog is celebrated?What years and why have this name? It is believed that before completing the earthly life, the Buddha called to him different animals. At his call first came the buffalo and the tiger, which in the eastern symbolism are very strong and worthy beasts, then came another nine. At the last moment, a rat came, ran over the backs of the animals and told the Buddha that she was the first. For this "arrogance" twelve-year cycle of the eastern horoscope of animals begins with it.
Each animal in this cycle "rules" twelvemonths, there is a year of the Dog. What years from the foreseeable past are under the auspices of this animal? You can start from 1910, then it follows 1922, 1934. Some of our parents were born in 1946 or 1958, which were also years of the Dog. It must be said that, according to Eastern beliefs, this creature is highly respected. It represents the male principle of Yan and helps to get rid of evil spirits in the house.
People born under such a sign are very caringand loyal, they cherish their loved ones, without losing their vigilance and not knowing rest. Rejection of injustice, modesty, willingness to give the last to the needy - these are the qualities that distinguish those born in the year of the Dog. What years are they related to this sign? If your children were born in 1994 or 2006, then you can rely on the presence of the aforementioned character traits.
Many great people were born in the year of the Dog.What years were especially generous in the emergence of talent? For example, Elvis Presley was the patron of the Dog, although he was born not in 1934, but in early 1935. This is due to the fact that the year for this horoscope begins in the second full moon after December 22. In 1934, Bridget Bordeau, Sophia Loren and Yuri Gagarin were born. And in 1958 he was pleased with the appearance of future world stars: Madonna and Michael Jackson.
Perhaps, such qualities of the Dog asan exceptional "flair" for people, a personal charisma, the ability to concentrate on goals and achieve peaks in a narrow specialization, formed the preconditions for outstanding achievements. We will also say that the Dogs on the eastern horoscope were Winston Churchill, Sofya Kovalevskaya, Nikolai Gumilev, Voltaire, Berdyaev and other celebrities.
Under the "patronage" of this animal is 1982year. What kind of dog was this period in color? The fact is that, in addition to twelve animals, there are five elements in the horoscope, which are repeated for each sign in sixty years (earth, water, wood, metal, fire). In 1982, there is water, so this time is called the year of the Water Dog.
But the "metal" elements have those whose datebirth was in 1970. What kind of "dog" would not like to see those who live next to such people? First of all, it is very serious and limited, which is conditioned by the sign of the year. "Metal dogs" should strive to be more calm, communicative, with a broad outlook. These qualities are better to educate yourself in spite of all horoscopes, which will bring additional happiness and peace of mind.