/ / What tests are expected if the snake dreamed?

What kind of tests are coming if the snake dreamed?

The Maya Indians believed that the snake comes in a dreamAs a symbol of wisdom and even the protection of the gods. This sacred reptile could mean a friend who will help in a difficult moment. If the snake has dreamed of in natural conditions - one can not worry, everything is going well. In the aquarium - the enemy tries to deceive you, pretending to be a friend. Be careful! Other sources give a very different meaning to snakes. And, most likely, they are right. Fear of poisonous reptiles laid by

dreamed of a snake
us in the subconscious, so associating them with friends is not too rational.

What does it mean if a snake dreams of a woman

Not too optimistic this image will be forthe fair sex. Dream snake - you made a mistake in the chosen one. Soon to be convinced of this. Disappointment will be bitter and painful. I've bitten you - scandals and gossip can not be avoided. If another woman was hurt, your jealousy "came out of the shores". With your suspicions, you are able to offend your friends and forever quarrel with them. If a snake bites a man - your whims can offend a loved one. Be closer with your loved ones. If the creeping bastard attacked the child - there are troubles, completely unexpected and even frightening. Beware of vile intrigues

what does it mean if the snake dreams
from the false friends.If you dreamed of a snake threateningly hissing at your beloved, then you will help him to uncover a conspiracy of ill-wishers directed against his interests. Catch a reptile - get protection. To be bewitched by a snake is to succumb to the influence of people with low morale and suffer as a result.

What does it mean when a snake dreams of a man

To see a creeping thing-to be involved intense struggle with enemies. We need to gather strength: the fight will be fierce. The result will be difficult to predict if the snake in the dream was poisonous. Attacked and bitten - you suffer from the actions of obvious enemies. Strangles - secret detractors will take active actions against you. If you managed to get rid of her embrace in a dream - cope with the situation. Dream snake, biting the enemy, then you can take a breath. Now your ill-wishers are full of their troubles. They forgot about you. If a snake bites a friend - he needs help in a difficult matter. To see a snake's ball - to the collapse of all plans. In your entourage, many secret enemies are ready to turn every thought you make against you. Not

what does it mean when a snake dreams
share your plans with anyone. The snake bites your beloved - you have a very strong opponent. The child - to his illness.

Kill the snake

If you were able to cope with the attacker in a dreamyou're a bastard, then from all life's troubles you will be a complete winner. Relax especially not worth it. On the contrary, intensify your activities, and you will not notice how both obvious and secret enemies leave you. They killed the snake that attacked the native people - you will become their support and support. You will be relied on, your opinion will be trusted. Kill an innocent snake - your suspicion is groundless. It is not necessary to consider each enemy as the enemy, otherwise you can alienate a person who can provide support when it is absolutely necessary. In addition, by your claims you offend others. If you dreamed of a snake that you did not kill, then your enemies will harm each other, to your great joy.

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