Since ancient times, people as amulets andtalismans use stones. Beryl belongs to the category of the most expensive minerals. Some of its varieties are among the ten most popular and valuable crystals. Humanity knows the following varieties of this stone: green-blue - aquamarine, dark blue - Augustite, apple-green - geshenit, yellow - heliodorus, green - emerald, colorless - simple beryl, yellowish green - chrysoberyl, called still true beryl. The color depends on the value of the mineral, as well as its healing and magical properties.
The biggest and beautiful emeralds of Europe sawDuring the conquest of South America by the Spaniards. They were exported almost all the stones mined by local residents. Beryl green is very pleasant to the eyes. For many centuries, people believed in his healing abilities. If you look at the crystal for a long time, it will give its owner strength and enrich it spiritually, protect you from anguish. If you constantly have an emerald with you, then it will help develop the gift of foresight, drive nightmares and insomnia. The maximum benefit he will bring, if a person will wear a ring with a stone on the little finger.
Aquamarine protects from seasickness,remains faithful to the spouses. It was also believed that the stone gives the owner courage, provides security in long-distance travel. Recommended for nervous and irritable people, because it has a calming effect on the nervous system. Also, the mineral improves vision, treats dental and headaches, promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body. It allows you to expose deceptions, so the blue beryl was also called the "mineral of honest people".