/ / What is the dream of a dinosaur? Interpretation of night vision

What dreams of a dinosaur? Interpretation of night vision

To see a dinosaur in a dream is rather unusual.This does not happen very often. And if it happened, then I want to understand why the dinosaur is dreaming. Most often in night visions this prehistoric lizard, extinct many millions of years ago, symbolizes either the aging of the organism, or the mystery that you have been keeping for many years. Also a popular version of baseless fears and empty experiences. After all, being in the world of morpheus, we are afraid of that which in reality does not exist. That is, the subconscious in a dream splashes out an illusory sense of danger. There are still many transcripts of this night vision. In this article we will talk about them in detail and tell you about what dinosaurs dream about.

Lone reptile

If the prehistoric lizard comes in the nightVision one, then you will probably meet with a man whom you have only seen once in your life. But be careful: this person does not have good character traits. If in a dream you are not afraid of the dinosaur, then wait in real life for a meeting with someone who played a significant role in your past.

Dinosaurs in the city

If these prehistoric animals dreamed youurban area, then the interpretation of night vision will depend on what they did: demolishing buildings, putting fear in everyone, or just wandering around the streets? In the first case in real life you will be tough to play. Ultimately, you will guess what is happening, but you will be nervous. In the second case, wait for a meeting with distant relatives or friends who have not been in your life for a long time.

why dream dinosaur

Why dream of a dinosaur woman?

If this prehistoric reptile comes innight vision to the representative of the beautiful half of humanity, it means that she does not like what is happening around her in real life. She is very worried about this and is under constant stress. In fact, a woman should be aware that many of her anxieties are baseless. As soon as she realizes this, there will be tranquility.

Psychoanalytic dream book

This book gives two answers to the question of what the dinosaur is dreaming about.

  1. The first interpretation.Any animals that currently do not live on the planet and come to us in night visions, in most cases, surprise and frighten us. They are large and endowed with tremendous power. It turns out that in real life you are afraid of non-existent things. These are ridiculous fears and stupid experiences that hinder you to exist peacefully.
  2. The second interpretation.Since the dinosaur is an extinct reptile, deep down you have become archaic. You continue to communicate with the part of the subconscious that has outlived itself, turning into a stone. Leave the past. Look at life with different eyes, read new books, take a great interest in politics and be in the thick of the news of the modern world.

why dream dinosaurs dream

English dream book

This edition gives a rather vague answer tothe question is, what is the dream of a dinosaur. They simply offer a list of leading questions, answering which, you yourself must decipher your night vision. For example, what attracted you most in dinosaurs: behavior, size, appearance? Perhaps you recently read a book about these prehistoric lizards? By answering these questions, you can understand what the night vision said.

Universal dream book

Universal dream book pays attention to specific cases.

  1. Dreamed of a green dinosaur?This color symbolizes renewal, spiritual and creative development. At the same time, the animal itself in night vision speaks of your outdated worldview. If you add up these two opposite things, it turns out that you live with old views, but you have the desire to completely update them.
  2. Escape from the dinosaur. Attempts to adapt to new life fail. Perhaps you yourself do not want to change and fear all that is unknown and new.
  3. Hatching lizard. This is a sign from the subconscious that it is time to get rid of outdated views of the world and recruit new ideas.

what is the dream of a dinosaur woman

Dream Lofa

According to this book, if you dreamed a skeletondinosaur, then soon you may discover the secret of a loved one or familiar person. If there is a specific person nearby, then most likely it is from her that you will learn this secret in real life.

Book of Meneghetti

Это пособие даёт вполне конкретный ответ на the question is, what are dinosaurs dreaming about. The dream interpretation contains the following interpretation of night vision: it is the destructive effect of an outdated human outlook. Also, these lizards are associated with archetypes. That is, any changes in life are accompanied by nervous shocks, stupid experiences, anxiety. The man tries to be better than he is, and begins to perform “beautiful” but useless feats (like those that Sinbad and Hercules did).

what are dinosaurs dreaming about


Now you know why the dinosaur dreams.This night vision is extraordinary, ambiguous and rather rare. As you have already noticed from the content of this article, he has a lot of interpretations. But almost all dream books agree on one thing: this prehistoric reptile dreams of a man with outdated world views. And in order not to be left completely alone and adapt to the real world, he needs to change drastically.

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