Since ancient times, a welcome and frequent guest on ourThe tables were chicken meat. Nutritious, delicious and tender, it has always been considered not just a daily meal, but a real delicacy. And today the chicken is a fairly common poultry, which is grown in almost every yard in the villages. And the city dweller is available. In the market, in any grocery store you can buy chicken.
Chicken meat and its dietary properties
You can talk endlessly about the benefits of the product.The calorie content of the boiled chicken depends on which part is being discussed. On average, it is approximately 100 g of product 165 kcal. Each individual part has its own energy value. The minimum of calories contains chicken breast without skin.
Poultry calorie table per 100 g
Part of a bird | Energy value (kcal) |
Breast | 99 |
Stomach | 114 |
Wings | 186 |
Leg | 158 |
Liver | 136 |
A heart | 159 |
As for the content of useful elements,chicken meat in this is a real leader. It contains vitamins, amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine, potassium. And if the use to exclude completely the skin, then the amount of cholesterol will be minimal. Due to the fact that the calorie content of the boiled chicken is low, its meat is a part of many diets. After all, a person who is watching his health and appearance understands that each calorie should be only useful, and not lead to weight gain. Therefore, nutritionists strongly recommend that the bird boil or steamed, while maintaining the maximum benefit and value.
Many fans of chicken meat just go crazyfrom the unsurpassed taste of smoked product. This, of course, is an excellent addition to the lunch menu. But the calorie content of the smoked chicken is a little higher (about 200 kcal), and it is worth considering.
Eat a bird for health, because the low caloric content of boiled chicken will never add an extra kilogram.