Prepare pea porridge in a multivarqueen is easy enough. But to make it really tasty and satisfying, you need to add lightly fried vegetables and sausage to it.
Necessary ingredients:
The processing of the main ingredient
Before you make a pea porridge, you shouldcarefully process the bean product. For this it is necessary to take 2.6 glasses of half peas, it is good to sort it out and put it into a colander. After this, the main ingredient is required to be washed first under warm, and then under a cool jet. In order to peas the minimum time processed in a multivark, it is recommended to soak in the usual drinking water in advance (for 6-15 hours). But if you do not have time for this, then this product can be used and so.
Чтобы понять, как приготовить гороховую кашу, нет no need to be an experienced culinary expert. After all, this dish requires a minimum of food, time and effort. However, more delicious and satisfying version of the preparation of this dinner provides for the use of sausages and vegetables. Thus, you should take smoked sausage, clean it of artificial or natural shell, and then shredded with thin straws. After this, it is necessary to cut the sweet onion into medium half rings, and grate a small fresh carrot on a grater.
Roasting vegetables and sausages
Before you cook a pea porridge, inthe multivarker needs to lightly roast onions, smoked sausage and carrots. To do this, all the ingredients must be placed in a bowl along with butter, close it tightly and put in baking mode for 16-18 minutes. Next, fried foods are required to put in a plate and start cooking porridge.
Thermal processing of bean product
After the dish of peas is fully cooked, it is necessary to add fried on butter, onion, sausage and carrots, as well as chopped sprigs of parsley and dill.
Correct feed to the table
Pea porridge with browned vegetables and smoked sausage should be served for dinner in hot form, along with wheat bread and vegetable salad.