When I was little, I could not standwheat. And if at home under the terrible mum's eye I had to eat, as it seemed to me at the time, a nasty and not at all useful porridge, then at school I declared a boycott (of course, secret) and tried to get rid of the plate with wheat. At that time, I was not at all interested in talking about the benefits of porridge and, of course, I was not interested in how to properly cook millet gruel.
Meanwhile, with surprise, I noted that milletporridge was often given for breakfast not only in school, but also in the camp, and in the hospital. To my indignation there was no limit: do adult aunts and uncles want to turn us into chickens?
Now, remembering my childhood beliefs, II involuntarily smile and regret that in my childhood I did not understand how important this kasha is, which, incidentally, is not in vain fed chickens. Moreover, my daughter, who indignantly puffs up her lips at the sight of millet mush, has to go the same way in relation to her, which I once followed.
Now I know that millet porridge shouldbe present in the diet, because it contains a lot of minerals, vitamins and fiber - what is necessary for normal operation of the stomach. But, frankly, not always cooked me kashka turned out delicious, so one day I asked myself how to properly cook millet porridge.
In order to get an answer to the exciting mequestion, I rummaged in my mother's cookbooks and read articles from the Internet. I was interested in the following points: from what, in fact, you can prepare a delicious and healthy millet porridge (ie, the components of the dish), in what ratio should you take the ingredients and how much to cook millet porridge.
After a while I was shod with the knowledge of the correct preparation of millet porridge, it was only possible to apply them in practice. So, that's what I managed to find out.
Necessary components. For the preparation of millet cereal we will need millet grains, water, milk, sugar, salt and butter.
Helpful information:before cooking porridge it is important to choose the right grain, stop your attention on the croup of yellow saturated color. Before the cooking process, you need to sort out the necessary amount of wheat (remove all the excess) and rinse it repeatedly, then pour boiling water.
During cooking, the wheat will increase five times, so do not throw too much cereal.
Cook millet porridge on a slow (this is a must!) Fire.
After cooking, you can rinse the porridge with hot water.
For cooking millet porridge unleaded dishes are used.
The ratio of ingredients and the recipe for the preparation of millet porridge.
Milk - 4 cups,
Wheatgrass - ¼ teaspoon,
Sugar (or honey) - a tablespoon,
Salt - ¼ teaspoon,
butter - to taste.
Boil the milk on low heat.Pour into the pan with milk washed millet and, constantly stirring, cook porridge on low heat for half an hour. At the end of the cooking, add sugar (honey), a little bit later add the butter.
How to properly cook millet mush: nuances
Можно готовить кашу на молоке, используя воду only for washing porridge, but you can act differently. Personally, I like this option is more cute. Wash the washed apricots with water (two glasses) and cook it until half-ready, then rinse with running water.
In a separate saucepan boil the milk,pre-adding salt and sugar to it. Pour into the boiled milk and stir the stir-fry. Cook until done. When the porridge is ready, add the butter, cover the pan with a lid and remove from the plate. After fifteen minutes porridge can be served to the table.
Fans of liquid cereal should take 4-5 glasses of water or milk for a glass of millet.
And, of course, milk can not be added using only water.
So, armed with knowledge of how to properly cook millet porridge, I prepared a delicious (and useful!) Dish, which my mother was happy to eat for both cheeks.