/ How to Make Pumpkin Porridge: recipes

How to Make Pumpkin Porridge: Recipes

In this article, we offer you to read several recipes for cooking pumpkin porridge.

How to Cook Pumpkin Porridge: First Method
how to cook porridge porridge

Required products:

  • cream (low-fat) or milk with a volume of 300 ml;
  • pumpkin (cleared pulp) weighing 500 g;
  • a cube of butter (gram for 50);
  • a couple of spoons of sugar and a little cinnamon for flavor.

Technology of preparation

Peel the pumpkin into small slices.In the pot, pour the cream (milk), lay the pumpkin flesh, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Pour the saucepan on low heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Then turn off the gas, wrap the container with a porridge towel and let it steam for half an hour.

How to cook porridge porridge: the second way

We weld porridge with millet. This will require:

  • pumpkin (peeled pulp) in the amount of 300 g;
  • 3-4 large spoons of millet;
  • milk fresh (any fat content) of 400 ml;
  • a glass of drinking water;
  • a piece (gram for 50) of butter;
  • salt, sugar, honey, dried apricots, raisins and cinnamon - at will and taste.
    how to cook pumpkin porridge

How to cook pumpkin porridge in a multivariate: technology

Multivarka - a universal thing.In it you can soar, fry, cook. Porridges in this device are especially delicious. We offer to make pumpkin porridge in a multivariate. To do this, cut the pumpkin pulp into a bowl and add water. Set the function "Baking" for 40 minutes. After half the time has passed, pour the washed grain into the bowl, close the lid and cook for another 10 minutes. Then pour in the milk and mash the porridge until the beep sounds. Put salt, sugar, raisins, pieces of dried apricots, sprinkle with cinnamon and mix. Put the device into "Quenching" or "Milk porridge" mode and cook for another 30 minutes. Serve with butter.

How to Cook Pumpkin Porridge with Cinnamon
Pumpkin porridge on milk

Cinnamon - spice, which gives dishes a special taste. If you cook a porridge with it, it will turn out to be especially fragrant. Here's what it takes:

  • pumpkin (chopped pulp) in the amount of 250 g;
  • milk (any fat content) of 200 ml;
  • cinnamon - half a dessert spoon;
  • salt, sugar.

Pumpkin porridge on milk: cooking technology

Pour a glass of milk into an aluminum saucepan andbring to a boil with minimal heat. Then put the pumpkin sliced ​​into small cubes. In a boiling mixture, pour sugar, salt and add a little cinnamon to taste. Stir the mixture until smooth, cook with minimal heat. Porridge is considered ready when the pumpkin cubes are completely brewed. Put it in plates, serve with butter. For taste and additional sweetness, you can pour pumpkin mush with melted honey.

How to cook porridge porridge with rice

Ingredients required for the recipe:

  • pumpkin (crushed pulp) in quantities of 600 g;
  • rice washed - 2 large spoons (with top);
  • washed with raisins weighing 100 g;
  • a few spoonfuls of sugar;
  • milk (any fat content) of 100 ml;
  • a piece of butter (50 g).

Technology of preparation

Pumpkin slices in a saucepan with a thick bottom.Put the washed rice and raisins. Sprinkle sugar and sprinkle all the ingredients with milk. Set the saucepan on the slowest fire. Cook until soft pumpkin and rice, stirring occasionally porridge. Once the pumpkin is cooked, remove the pan from the fire, put the butter and rastolkte ingredients with a wooden crush. The porridge is ready. Bon Appetit!

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