One of the most beloved products of the majoritypeople is cheese. There are many different varieties, tasty and useful. In some countries, this product is considered the main source of health. One of the very useful, but unfortunately not very popular, is the Adyghe cheese. Most often people prefer harder varieties. We are accustomed to using the variety that our parents gave us since childhood, because then there was not such an abundance of this tasty product in the stores.
Of course, it is worth paying attention to the Adyghecheese, its benefit lies in the fact that it is this product with confidence can be called dietary. Its fat content is different. It depends on the initial product used for cooking. Especially loved this variety became in the North Caucasus. Here it is produced fresh or smoked. Prepare this unusual product in the hearth and smoke. The shelf life of such a product is sometimes several years. Of what are the Adyghe cheese made? Its composition is sheep or goat, and possibly cow's milk with the addition of salt and the introduction of a special serum. To date, most often it adds a Bulgarian rod for ripening. If the original product is goat's milk, then it is pasteurized at high temperature.
Adyghe cheese contains the necessary for the bodyvitamins B, they normalize the life of a person. In addition, this product has a lot of calcium and phosphorus. It is very important that this low-calorie cheese, in which 100 grams of it contains only 240 kcal. This means that with the help of such yummy it is possible to get rid of excess weight. This dietary product contains a greater fat content, the more it is in the original product for manufacturing. Extraordinarily tender and tasty, but at the same time, the Adygei cheese prepared on the basis of goat's milk turns out to be greener. The average fat content of this variety is forty percent.
This delicious and healthy food productused for cooking a variety of dishes. In the Caucasus, they make delicious khachapuri with it, in addition, cheese cakes are made from it and added to a wide variety of salads.
Adyghe cheese has a relatively short period of timestorage - about a month. But it is very important that during this whole time all the useful qualities of this product are preserved in full. Keep this variety in the refrigerator, trying to protect it from extraneous smells, so as not to spoil the unique milk flavor of this beautiful cheese.
Let's try to make such a productyourself. To do this, carefully clean a small piece of veal stomach. We put it in a jar and fill it with 600-800 milliliters of whey. After all this is done for four hours at room temperature, we cast some serum and put the jar in the refrigerator. We take out a large saucepan and pour into it 6 liters of whole raw milk. It should be heated to a temperature of approximately 70 degrees. Now, taking off the pan from the fire, pour a cup of serum into it. All this is stirred and insisted for two hours. We again put the pan on a small fire. For ten minutes, slowly heat and constantly stir the milk, while the temperature should not exceed 70 degrees, otherwise the cheese will be "rubber".
The pan is removed from the plate and within five minutesCool the contents with hands. After that, take out the mass and put it in a folded several times gauze. Serum should be poured through a colander and stored in a clean pan. Cheese must be salted according to your taste, and then mixed. Leave it for 10 minutes to allow the glass to excess fluid. Then you should transfer the almost finished cheese into a colander without gauze and, setting it over a bowl, press the plate. Leave it so for six hours in a cool place. So your delicious and flavored Adyghe cheese is ready. Bon Appetit!
To prepare the whey, pre-add sour cream to the warmed milk, then strain the mixture. So you will also get a delicious, delicious home-made cottage cheese.