/ / How to cook a delicious chicken liver

How to cook a delicious chicken liver

Many women think about how todiversify the home menu with a delicious and healthy dish. Modern wives and mothers have to think about every minute, and after work it is still necessary to take care of the family and prepare dinner. As one of the options should be considered a chicken liver, there are quite a few methods for preparing it. So, I will tell you in detail how to make a delicious chicken liver, but first you should say a few words about its usefulness.

How useful is the chicken liver

This product has long been known for itsbeneficial effect on the human body. Not in vain, many traditional and delicious dishes of world cuisine are prepared from it. In the chicken liver quite a lot of vitamin B6, A, folic acid, which has beneficial effects on the hematopoiesis. In addition, it is useful for eyes and skin. Therefore, it is often recommended to pregnant women.

At the same time, it is not caloric, does not lead tothe appearance of cholesterol in the body. So, the dish from the chicken liver should not scare away those who are afraid to gain extra pounds. However, by reading the recipe for how to fry a chicken liver, you should be aware that the final dish will be somewhat greasy.

How to choose a chicken liver

An important moment is the choice of chicken liver, becausehow the taste of the final dish depends directly on the freshness of the product. The best thing is to buy it fresh on the market, if your town is small, then this option is quite possible. If in your locality it is impossible to purchase a liver that is not yet freeze-prone, then follow the following rules when choosing:

  • It should be brown;
  • The structure is smooth, with a clean, uniform surface;
  • It should not contain blood clots, inclusions of adipose tissue.

Yes, and a really fresh, not yet frozen chicken liver does not get bitter at all.

How to cook a delicious chicken liver

For the first experiment with the preparation of chicken liverI propose to choose a simple extinguishing recipe with vegetables. Cooking is better in a frying pan with Teflon coating or in a cast-iron pan of small size. We will need the following ingredients:

  • Chicken liver - 500 g;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 5 medium-sized potatoes;
  • Green grass beans - 300 g;
  • Salt, black pepper ground to taste, parsley, vegetable oil.

Now step by step we will consider how to preparetasty chicken liver with the above ingredients. First, the liver should be thoroughly rinsed, if there are any inclusions of adipose tissue, bile - remove them with a knife. Rinse and clean other ingredients of the dish.

Secondly, you need to cut the liver into smallPieces and pour into a frying pan with pre-heated vegetable oil. Literally after a minute, pour finely chopped onions. All together fried for two minutes, then add all the other ingredients of the dish, cut into strips. All mixed and poured two glasses of water, do not forget about salt and pepper

Now you need to tell how much to extinguish the chickenliver with the above ingredients. Here it will be right to focus on the potatoes, as soon as it is cooked, the dish can be removed from the fire. After all, the chicken liver does not require long cooking, it is prepared quite quickly.

How to cook a delicious chicken liver nowlearned, but do not forget about a little to decorate the culinary masterpiece. To do this, sprinkle a ready-made, still hot dish with chopped parsley, you can dill or coriander.

However, the chicken liver is quite a convenient product,because of it you can cook a large number of good dishes. It is wonderful in a multivariate, many like chicken liver cutlets. The main thing is to get used to her somewhat unusual taste.

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