/ Summer menu. How to cook okroshka?

Summer menu. How to cook okroshka?

Honestly, I do not understand people who do not like okroshki, but I just adore her! Cool, thick, with sour cream - it's a holiday on a hot day!

How to cook okroshka better:on kefir, on whey, on kvass, on mineral water with the addition of vinegar - then as you like. And the basis is everywhere the same: fresh cucumbers, juicy radish, green onion feathers, dill greens, boiled potatoes, boiled eggs and boiled sausage (of course, a hundred times more tasty if you put boiled meat instead of sausage).

Traditionally, okroshka is cooked on kvass.My grandmother said: "Today I will make" kvass "" - meaning by this not a drink, namely crumbled and filled with chilled homemade kvass, all of the above ingredients, and above all cut and poured separately with salt, green onion, grated radish and fresh cucumbers, well, boiled potatoes with boiled eggs, a little chopped greens of dill, a little for the smell of pepper black - everything (my grandmother even without sausage did, if it suddenly did not turn out). She cooked kvass herself: she always had a large glass, probably 5 liters, which she was very afraid to break, in it she made her yeast kvass on dried in oven to very dark color crackers.

How many products to take and how to cook okroshka? In my opinion, the answer to this question: the more, the better - even though the whole basin is ready, eat all day and do not get bored.

And yet, if we assume that we are making okroshka for 4portions, then kvass will need about a liter, a maximum of 1.5 liters, so that with the addition, so to speak, was. We take a good bunch of fresh green onions, mine properly, shake off the water and cut the feather into slices of 5-7 millimeters and, importantly, in a separate cup, as in a mortar, knead with salt (preferably a wooden tolkushkoy for potatoes) to an onion juice is slightly isolated - from this our okroshka will be much tastier, checked! And the same thing to do with dill: chop it and change it a little with salt, although dill may not be pounded.

Cucumbers (3-4 are not small cucumbers) and radishes(stuff 5), I prefer to pass through a grater, ordinary, large or medium, and cooked in advance and chilled potatoes (2-3 medium potatoes) finely cut into cubes (but you can also carry it through a large grater). Boiled and hard-boiled 2-3 eggs are finely chopped. Finally take a piece of grams in 200 doctor's sausage and cut into small, neat, 5 mm border, cubes.

All the ingredients are mixed in one large containeror a pan and fill it with chilled kvass. We dispense portions on plates, in each of which we add a good spoonful of thick sour cream. Okroshka for kvass is ready!

However, I confess, I have not done okroshka on kvass for a long time, it's more like a memory from childhood, and for all tradition, I prefer to mix kefir with cold mineral water for pouring.

How to cook okroshka in this case?Yes, as well as with kvass. Just take the yogurt ready half a liter and half a liter of a table of mineral water, necessarily carbonated (then okroshka sharp turns). I take kefir and mineral water approximately equally, although here you can also mix it to taste, it will be more tasty if you take a yogurt a little more, so if you buy kefir in packages, then take a large package - a liter.

Also good okroshka it turns out, if to mix with kefir instead of water sour milk whey, approximately in the same proportions though on one serum it is possible to do or make easy - too it is tasty or delicious turns out.

Any okroshka, to make it more satisfying, is, in my opinion, tastier than all with white bread, not sweet, of course, but with the usual molded or podovym.

I already imagine how I will buy fresh vegetables on the market and make more okroshechki in the next weekend and I wish you the same!

And if someone has their secrets, how to cook okroshka, share experience, let's try!

Bon Appetit!

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