In Russia, porridge has always been the main dish. An inconspicuous, familiar but special dish even outside Russian cities is on a par with Russian cabbage soup, borsch and kvass.
Porridge is not only a national treasure, but alsopride of ancient Russia. Many people know that porridge can be made from different cereals. But today we will talk about such a crop as millet, and how to cook millet porridge.
Why exactly millet porridge, you ask? The answer is simple. She always took a special place in cooking, therefore, many cooks knew how to cook the millet porridge correctly even at the royal court.
Millet porridge is very popular among other types of cereals, and this is understandable.
Millet has a high vegetable contentprotein, lecithin and amino acids. In addition, this group contains vitamins of group B, and microelements of iodine, zinc, potassium and many others. In the foam contains a small amount of carbohydrates, and it actively helps in the fight against excess weight. Therefore, it is no accident that millet porridge is included in the diet and in the diet of baby food.
The first dressing for millet porridge is considered,of course, butter. Not for nothing does the Russian proverb say: "You can not spoil the porridge with oil." In addition to butter, you can fill the porridge with cream, milk, sour cream, curdled milk and even cottage cheese. In addition to these refills you can use fruits, honey, nuts, but especially tasty is considered millet porridge with pumpkin.
If you want to learn how to cookmillet porridge, we advise you to read this article. Of the several recipes that will be given below, you will learn the easiest way to make millet porridge.
First of all, before cooking the millet groatsshould be thoroughly rinsed, preferably under running water, until the cereals are completely transparent. Then pour it with the necessary amount of water, drain it and cook until ready on milk. Remember that the color of millet is of great importance. So, if the croup has a bright yellow color, then the porridge turns out tastier, if the millet has a darker color, then the porridge turns out to be more viscous in consistency.
Now go directly to the recipes.
How to cook millet porridge in boyar style?
Ingredients:1 cup of washed millet, two glasses of cold water, half a glass of milk, two handfuls of rinsed and steamed raisins, one handful of crushed walnuts, two tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon of any butter, and one pinch of salt.
Rinse the rump thoroughly, then startcook in the specified amount of water. When the millet is boiled, pour the milk, add the nuts, raisins, sugar, oil and salt. Then firmly cover the pan with a porridge cover and leave it to stand about half an hour on low heat. From time to time, do not forget to stir the porridge to prevent it from burning.
When the porridge is ready, spread it in portions and add a small piece of butter.
Simple millet porridge on milk
Ingredients: 1 cup of washed millet, 2 cups of hot milk, 2 glasses of cold water, one tablespoon of butter, sugar.
Millet should be poured hot water,then put a pot of porridge on the fire, and salt. In the process of cooking, remove the foam. While the millet is not boiled, add hot milk, and cook millet porridge on low heat. Thickening porridge is one of the signs of its readiness. When the porridge is cooked, cover the pan with a lid, and leave to simmer for about 15 minutes.
Add the butter to the finished porridge.
Millet porridge with pumpkin
Ingredients: 500 grams of pumpkin, one glass of millet cereals, two glasses of milk, one glass of water, salt and sugar to taste.
Rice cake rinse with cold water, then pour boiling water. When boiled water is absorbed into the croup, pour it with hot milk and cook the porridge on a small fire.
Pumpkin pieces, peeled off seeds, sprinklesugar and leave the pumpkin for 10 minutes in an open container. When the pumpkin will give off the juice, add it to the porridge, stir and cook the porridge on low heat until it is ready, while remember that the pumpkin pieces should be soft.
Add butter to the finished portion.
We hope that this article has helped you learn about how to cook millet porridge, and this useful dish will go into the diet of your diet.