The business card of Emmental cheese is bigholes - "eyes" and incomparable soft sweetish taste. Cheese "Emmental" is very popular. In the people it is called Swiss. And all because it is the basis of the Swiss national dish - cheese fondue.
The most "prosperous" country for cheese is consideredSwitzerland. In the alpine meadows you can always see a herd of cows, which have long become the unspoken symbol of the country. Cattle really like living in Switzerland. Green pastures, stretching for several kilometers, serve as ideal food for herbivores. As you know, the quality of cheese directly depends on its main component - milk. Could the cows, who feed on natural meadow grass daily, give bad milk? Of course not! Therefore, cheese and dairy products produced in Switzerland are of high quality, incomparable taste and aroma. Cheese "Emmental" is no exception.
Caloric content of Emmental cheese is 380 kcalper 100 g of product. The quality of cheese can be determined by the shape of the holes and their "behavior". If a cheese product periodically "cries" - in its eyes there are droplets of milk - it speaks of its highest quality. But today, "crying" cheese can be seen on the shelves of shops rarely. During the period of its delivery to the retail network, all the drops dry up.
Hard Swiss cheese "Emmental" is usedfor the preparation of a variety of salads, desserts and second courses. It goes well with wine and fruit. Do not forget that Swiss cheese is the main ingredient in fondue. But not every fridge has Emmental cheese. How to replace the famous product? Some landladies recommend using Gouda, Mozzarella or Maasdam cheeses in these cases. But still, the Emmental cheese in its classical version gives the cheese fondue a special rich taste and flawless flavor. Today the Swiss fondue is considered an aristocratic dish. The original recipe for its preparation includes only Emmental cheese, wine, fresh bread. Today, in the preparation of fondue, these ingredients are replaced with cherry tincture, cheaper cheeses and various spices. Often, potatoes, olives, gherkins are added to the dish, but this is not quite right ...