/ How to properly pick up red fish

How to properly pick up red fish

Almost everyone likes to eatred fish, which decorates any festive and casual table, but how to properly salivate the red fish, not everyone knows. In addition to being delicious, red fish is good for your health, thanks to its fatty acids, which can have a positive effect on the immune system, prevent inflammation, and regulate blood pressure. It so happened that often we buy ready-made salted fillets in stores, perhaps because of not knowing how to properly salt the red fish, or because we simply do not have enough free time for this process.

In any case, the salty red fish,cooked at home is much tastier and more useful. Therefore, we begin by going to the market or to the store for purchase. First of all, it should be fresh and have a good smell. Be sure to choose such a fish, the pulp of which is dense, it should never be stratified into fibers, the eyes should be transparent, and the gills - bright red. It is also best to buy whole fish. Of course, you will have to torment yourself a little at home, but then you will certainly know that it is fresh. And if you are lucky, you can also eat caviar. In no case can you defrost the fish in cold or hot water, put it on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator, let it be thawed naturally.

How to properly salt the red fish so that it does nothad a specific taste? For this, it must be marinated only in plastic containers, but in no case in aluminum, as this will give it a metallic taste. So, first you need to cut the fish, so it's best to start with the head, cut it off and then use it to make a home-made soup. Then we cut the belly, if you are lucky, and you saw caviar, then it must be carefully put in a plate and kept in a bag, so after salting it is better separated. After that, the belly should be freed from all the insides, and then divide the fish into two parts and gently release the carcass from the ridge with the help of hands.

And now, a little secret about howcorrectly pick up the red fish so that it is delicious! Of course, there are many different recipes, and every mistress uses her little tricks. Here, for example, how to properly salt red fish at home. This requires two kilograms of salmon. Preliminary it is necessary to mix a half cup of large salt, crushed white pepper (to taste) and a half cup of sugar. This seasoning should be well to grate the finished fillet. Do not be afraid that with this amount of salt you can overdo the fish, it just takes as much as it needs. After that, put a few sprigs of dill on the bottom of the plastic container, then place a layer of chopped carcass on top. Lay them out so that the skin of the fish was from the bottom, but from above sprinkle the fillets with the surviving lemon juice, then back up again we put the dill and a few leaves of the laurel leaf. Then up the fish should put the press and let stand for 48 hours in the refrigerator. During this time, the red fish will have time to get tired and soaked with marinade. Of course, if the fillet is very large, then let it stand a little more in the marinade.

How to cut red fish and serve ittable? After the fillet is salted, it should be extracted from the brine, free of the remnants of salting with a napkin, but never rinse it under running water. Take a sharp knife and gently cut the fish into thin pieces, starting with the skin. Then lay out the fan on a plate, sprinkle it with lemon juice and decorate with dill. Remember that already cooked fish can be stored no more than one week in the refrigerator. Bon Appetit!

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