If you watch the figure, then, most likely, notoften pamper yourself with culinary delights. However, there are many dishes that you can safely eat without fear of gaining extra pounds. Do not believe me? And in vain! If you try, you can find even dietary recipes with chicken liver, which, as you know, is quite high in calories. The main secret of maintaining the optimal weight is to not get carried away by harmful food, but to limit portions and reduce the amount of fat during the preparation of your favorite dishes. In this article we will tell you everything about dietary cookies, recipes for their preparation and how you can please yourself with delicious treats and not gain weight at the same time.
The dietary dish should include only healthy ingredients:
Soak chopped oatmeal in a smalland wait for them to swell. Whisk the protein and combine it with a grated apple, then add all the remaining ingredients and knead a thick dough. If it seems to you that the mixture was too dry, then add a little water. Cover the container with the prepared test food film and leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Preheat the oven and place the parchment on the baking sheet for baking. You can lubricate it a little with vegetable oil, but it is not necessary. Form a spoonful of cookies, put it on paper and send it to the oven for 15 minutes.
This time we will use instead of flakesoatmeal cooked on the water. Also, we recommend replacing sugar, which is present in the original recipe for stevia or any other sugar substitute. We will need the following products:
Mix all of the ingredients listed and leavethe dough should be infused for 15 minutes. The resulting mass should resemble thick sour cream. Put the dough portion on baking paper and send it to the oven for 20-30 minutes.
Cottage cheese is another useful product thatadvise more often to use those who want to keep a slim figure. It is with him that we will bake our wonderful dietary cookies. Recipes of this type of baking are very diverse, but we settled on the one that includes the minimum number of products. Thanks to this you can save a lot of time and effort. So, mix the following ingredients in a large bowl:
To make the resulting dough was not too thick,dilute it with kefir or milk. When you achieve a homogeneous consistency, send the curds and oats to the refrigerator for 20 or 30 minutes. Do not forget to cover the plastic container with the test before that. Then, form small cakes with your hands and put them in a baking dish. After 15 minutes you can try a very useful and delicious cookies.
Another dietary cookie, a simple recipe that will appeal to all lovers of proper nutrition:
Pour flakes with hot water and, while they areswell, mix cottage cheese with protein and sugar. Combine the remaining ingredients and leave the dough to infuse for about 20 minutes. Preheat the oven and place the baking parchment on the baking tray. Form the balls from the dough, spread the billets on paper and safely send them to the oven. Baking will be ready very quickly, but we recommend that you leave it for a few hours. Surprisingly, it will become especially delicious the next day.
After reading the composition of this dish, you can be sure that it is not able to somehow affect the volume of your waistline:
Fold the fork with fruit and mix it with the curd.When you achieve a homogeneous mass, add the remaining ingredients. While the dough "comes" in the refrigerator, heat the oven and oil the baking dish. After 15 minutes you can make balls and put them on a baking sheet. Check whether the baking is ready with a match or simply turn off the gas after a quarter of an hour. Put the cookies in a nice dish and cover it with a clean towel so it can cool down and become softer. Fans crunching something delicious can leave it in the oven, so it is slightly dried.
If you are actively involved in sports, then youprobably such an additive as protein is well known. Few people know that this substance can be used as an addition to various desserts. Prepare for the summer season and learn how to prepare useful dietary cookies. Recipes baking with protein isolate will be for you an excellent assistant in the struggle for a beautiful figure.
We take the following products:
Chop nuts, bananas and cottage cheese.Add the remaining products to them and mix until smooth. Roll a few balls from the resulting test and give them a round shape. If desired, you can decorate the cookies with berries or seeds. Bon Appetit!
From this cookie can not refuse any athlete, because it includes only the most useful and delicious dietary products:
Grind flakes with a grinder orblender and stir them with egg whites. We add milk, pieces of cottage cheese and protein. We distribute the blanks on a silicone rug and send it to the oven. After a quarter of an hour turn off the gas and let the liver cool down. A wonderful and useful treat to tea is ready.
If you like to experiment, then trybake and other original dietary cookies. Recipes of amateur chefs often include their favorite spices and food additives. For example, if you use apples, be sure to add cinnamon or vanilla to them. Lemon or orange peel will give a special charm to curd pastries, and a handful of crushed nuts will give a special taste to any sweet dish. A special taste of the liver is given by poppy seeds or seeds, in which it is possible to roll preforms before sending them to the oven.
We hope that you will like anydietary cookies, a recipe with a photo of which you could see in our article. We wish good luck in finding the golden mean between proper nutrition and delicious but not very useful dishes for the figure.