With the onset of hot summer, more peoplegive in to the temptation to drink a glass of ice-cold foam, which so perfectly quenches thirst in the hot noon. But on the other hand, beer, even being a low-alcohol beverage, has one serious drawback. Its specific smell can immediately make it clear to others that you have consumed alcohol recently. But if you can get rid of the smell as such, then it is much more difficult to hide the degrees. Therefore, it is very topical for fans of this drink becomes the question - and after how much beer is weathered?
Even more significant this issue is in the light ofa complete ban on the use of even a minimal amount of alcohol by drivers. But a rare person on vacation or on a day off will deny himself the pleasure of missing a couple of glasses in the company of friends. And what if you need to get behind the wheel later? For motorists, as for no one else, it is important to know exactly how much beer is being weathered.
Unfortunately, to answer this question withmathematical accuracy is impossible, since it depends on many factors. Significant for how much the beer is weathered is snack, and taking medications before that, and the weight of a person, as well as his age.
But, despite this, some averaged figures can still be called.
A young man weighing 75-80 kg a half-literA bottle of beer will be gone in two hours. To calculate, how much beer is weathered by people from other weight categories, you can use the coefficients. So, people with a weight of 45 to 60 kg figure in two hours should be multiplied by 0.53 to get their "weathering threshold". For the weight category from 60 to 85, the coefficient will be 0.77. Since all these data are designed for the male body, women should be added to these figures for at least half an hour.
But once it is worth mentioning that this is not the finalthe results of that, after how much beer is weathered. In a larger direction this period will shift in the event that alcohol, even in a small amount, will be drunk on an empty stomach, and if immediately before taking it or immediately after thirst it will make you drink soda water. Bubbles in it will increase the area of absorption in the stomach several times and it will not be necessary to count on rapid weathering.
It should be noted immediately that the figures given are notrelate to the opportunity to re-sit behind the wheel. Even if the whole bottle of beer was drunk and 3 hours had passed, sufficiently sensitive alcohol testers are able to catch the remains of alcohol in the blood, and problems in the event of meeting with valiant representatives of the traffic police in this case can not be avoided.
Therefore, even accurately calculating, through how muchthe beer is lost in your body, do not sit behind the wheel, even after a liter of foam drink, if at least 15 hours have not passed since the end of libations. After all, according to medical research, even such a small concentration of alcohol in the body significantly reduces the driver's ability to see what is happening around him, as the viewing angle decreases in direct proportion to the amount drunk. And the volume of the drunk beer exceeding 2,5 liters, completely deprives the person of possibility to operate not only the car, but even a scooter or a bicycle.
Certainly, to accelerate weathering from the bodyBeer can be made with the help of special preparations, for example, glycine or succinic acid. The latter accelerates the metabolism, and alcohol begins to be processed more quickly. Even simple activated charcoal will help, as well as any other absorbents capable of quickly removing toxins that came to us along with the drunk beer.
But in any case, talk about the complete disappearance of alcohol traces from the blood can not be earlier than 5-6 hours.