/ / Several ways how to salt herring in the home

Several ways how to salt herring in the home

Appetizing herring is an excellent option for fishdishes, combined with many side dishes, and especially with potatoes. In the store you can find an impressive variety of options for this product, but the most delicious is a delicacy prepared on its own. Ways how to properly salt herring, there may be many, and each of them has its own advantages. It is worth experimenting to find your favorite option.

How to salt herring at home?
So, how to salt herring?

The recipe for salting marinade

If you cook fish in this way, then hercan be additionally marinated for a special taste. You will need two carcasses of herring, eighty grams of salt, forty grams of granulated sugar and a pea of ​​black pepper. Before salting the herring at home, thoroughly rinse and dry the fish, remove the tail and head, then split over the ridge so that it joins the two separate halves. You can start to pickle. Each fish should be rubbed with salt, and then with sugar, pepper and put the two halves tightly together. In this position, they must be sent to the refrigerator for a day or two. After the fish is ready, you can think about the marinade. For example, cook in a glass of water a pea of ​​sweet pepper, laurel and coriander seeds with vegetable oil, add 9% vinegar and pour the herring.

How correctly to salt herring?
Or, roughly grind the apple, add one hundred grams of mayonnaise and shredded horseradish. Such a spicy pickle like the lovers of spicy food.

Recipes without additional preparations

Marinade is not so necessarily used forexcellent taste. There are also ways to salt herring in the home, which does not involve additional effort. Try one of them. For the first option, you will need a glass of boiled water, sixty grams of vegetable oil, a pea of ​​black pepper, several leaves of laurel, salt. Boil all the ingredients, cool and add the vinegar. Fill the herring with this mixture, cover it tightly and let it sit for five hours at room temperature, and then the same in the refrigerator.

Salt herring: recipe
Delicious snack from fish ready!

The second way how to salt herring in the homeconditions, is also not very difficult with excellent results. Take a pair of fish, a liter of water, two hundred grams of salt, ten to twenty peppercorns and a bay leaf. Boil the brine ingredients and let it cool. Fold the herring in a jar, pour the prepared mixture and clean it in the refrigerator for a day.

The third way how to salt herring in the homeconditions, generally assumes a minimum of costs. For cooking, you need only fifteen grams of sugar, twenty-five grams of salt, spices for fish and a direct carcass for pickling. Mix the seasonings, salt and sugar, carefully mixed with the resulting mixture of fish. Pack everything in a plastic bag, tie it tightly and leave it in the refrigerator for two days.

Finally, the fourth way how to salt herring inhome conditions. Take a liter of water, twenty-five grams of salt, fifteen grams of sugar, a few leaves of laurel, peppercorns, cardamom, cloves and garlic, all combine and bring to a boil. Prepared and peeled carcass pour the resulting brine completely and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Bon Appetit!

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